{ "MenuLabel": "Descenso", "Line3.BAE4.Bar.F": "Debo destruir los tumores para seguir avanzando.", "Line3.BAE4.Bar.M": "Debo destruir los tumores para seguir avanzando.", "Line3.BAE4.Dru.F": "Debo destruir los tumores para seguir avanzando.", "Line3.BAE4.Dru.M": "Debo destruir los tumores para seguir avanzando.", "Line3.BAE4.Nec.F": "Debo destruir los tumores para seguir avanzando.", "Line3.BAE4.Nec.M": "Debo destruir los tumores para seguir avanzando.", "Line3.BAE4.Rog.F": "Debo destruir los tumores para seguir avanzando.", "Line3.BAE4.Rog.M": "Debo destruir los tumores para seguir avanzando.", "Line3.BAE4.Sor.F": "Debo destruir los tumores para seguir avanzando.", "Line3.BAE4.Sor.M": "Debo destruir los tumores para seguir avanzando.", "Line3.BAE4.Spi.F": "Debo destruir los tumores para seguir avanzando.", "Line3.BAE4.Spi.M": "Debo destruir los tumores para seguir avanzando." }
Audio /10
play content
I need to destroy the tumours to go any further.
I need to destroy the tumours to go any further.
I need to destroy the tumors to go any further.
I need to destroy the tumors to go any further.
I need to destroy the tumors to go any further.
I need to destroy the tumors to go any further.
I need to destroy the tombass to go any further.
I need to destroy the tumors to go any further.
I need to destroy the tumors to go any further.
I need to destroy the chew most to go any further.
References to other File
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