{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/ParagonBoardUI.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "ParagonPoints", "szText": "Available Points", "hLabel": 2693594117 }, { "szLabel": "SearchTitle", "szText": "Keyword Search", "hLabel": 2568287704 }, { "szLabel": "Results", "szText": "({s1})", "hLabel": 996874898 }, { "szLabel": "SearchInfo", "szText": "Type in any keyword to find all associated nodes", "hLabel": 2159844962 }, { "szLabel": "ControllerPrompt_Search", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2} Search", "hLabel": 438544187 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphsHeader", "szText": "Glyphs", "hLabel": 1569844352 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphStack_Value", "szText": "x {s1}", "hLabel": 3122463478 }, { "szLabel": "Search_KBM", "szText": "Search", "hLabel": 2159482191 }, { "szLabel": "Glyph_NodeUnlock", "szText": "Unlock node to access glyphs", "hLabel": 3868775925 }, { "szLabel": "ControllerPrompt_Close", "szText": "Close", "hLabel": 385032891 }, { "szLabel": "ControllerPrompt_Back", "szText": "Back", "hLabel": 1833726678 }, { "szLabel": "ZoomInOut_Prompt", "szText": "Zoom In / Out", "hLabel": 620289077 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphRadius_Prompt", "szText": "{c_label}Glyph Radius:{/c} {s1}", "hLabel": 2805766317 }, { "szLabel": "ControllerPrompt_UnlockSkill", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2} Unlock Skill", "hLabel": 2049784464 }, { "szLabel": "NoParagonPoints", "szText": "No Paragon Points", "hLabel": 2048336322 }, { "szLabel": "ControllerPrompt_SwapGlyph", "szText": "{icon:button4, 2} Swap Glyph", "hLabel": 4281986308 }, { "szLabel": "ControllerPrompt_SlotGlyph", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2} Slot Glyph", "hLabel": 392805483 }, { "szLabel": "ControllerPrompt_ShowHideRadius", "szText": "{icon:Analog_R3, 2} Glyph Radius: {s1}", "hLabel": 199679912 }, { "szLabel": "NodeTypeNormal", "szText": "Normal Node", "hLabel": 1145346705 }, { "szLabel": "NodeTypeRare", "szText": "{c_rare}Rare Node", "hLabel": 3787377298 }, { "szLabel": "NodeTypeLegendary", "szText": "{c_legendary}Legendary Node", "hLabel": 3732492323 }, { "szLabel": "Node_Purchase", "szText": "Unlock", "hLabel": 3678190784 }, { "szLabel": "Node_Locked_For_Purchase", "szText": "{c_red}Not yet unlocked{/c}", "hLabel": 4154664343 }, { "szLabel": "Node_Insufficient_Points_To_Purchase", "szText": "{c_red}Not Enough Points{/c}", "hLabel": 2747741316 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphLevel", "szText": "Level {s1}", "hLabel": 399278332 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphUsageMax", "szText": "{c_red}Usage maxed out. Locate glyphs to use{/c}", "hLabel": 774660031 }, { "szLabel": "AffectedNodes", "szText": "Affected Nodes: {s1}", "hLabel": 3104597291 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphEquipped", "szText": "- Equipped -", "hLabel": 4276882209 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphNotSelected", "szText": "No glyph selected", "hLabel": 3283455998 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphSocket", "szText": "Glyph Socket", "hLabel": 576413645 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphEquip", "szText": "Equip", "hLabel": 391407176 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphUnequip", "szText": "Unequip", "hLabel": 93218987 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphLocate", "szText": "Locate", "hLabel": 302455484 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphLocateNext", "szText": "Locate Next", "hLabel": 2710317051 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphLocatePrevious", "szText": "Location Previous", "hLabel": 4031518105 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphDefaultView", "szText": "View Default", "hLabel": 989536868 }, { "szLabel": "Node_Socket_Modify", "szText": "Modify", "hLabel": 3847933173 }, { "szLabel": "Node_Socket_Unequip", "szText": "Unequip", "hLabel": 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"szText": "{icon:KeyPrompt_V, 2} Locate Glyph", "hLabel": 1047828009 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphDragToEquip", "szText": "Drag to Equip", "hLabel": 1804897417 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphBackToDefault", "szText": "Back to Default", "hLabel": 1960470557 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphLocked", "szText": "{c_red}Locked{/c}", "hLabel": 302465878 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphSocketed", "szText": "Socketed Glyph:", "hLabel": 649237622 }, { "szLabel": "BoardSelection", "szText": "Board Selection", "hLabel": 2461418638 }, { "szLabel": "LegendaryNodes", "szText": "{c_legendary}Legendary Nodes{/c} (x{s1})", "hLabel": 3403787444 }, { "szLabel": "RareNodes", "szText": "{c_rare}Rare Nodes{/c} (x{s1})", "hLabel": 2674470275 }, { "szLabel": "SocketNodes", "szText": "Sockets (x{s1})", "hLabel": 3929244770 }, { "szLabel": "Preview", "szText": "Preview", "hLabel": 3201095650 }, { "szLabel": "Back", "szText": "Back", "hLabel": 3630833 }, { "szLabel": "NodeNamePH", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1.2} {c_label}{s1}:{/c} {s2}", "hLabel": 4003511167 }, { "szLabel": "RareNodeHeader", "szText": "{c_rare}Rare Nodes:", "hLabel": 3228756729 }, { "szLabel": "LegendaryNodeHeader", "szText": "{c_legendary}Legendary Node:", "hLabel": 2287964362 }, { "szLabel": "Cancel", "szText": "Cancel", "hLabel": 3993502566 }, { "szLabel": "AttachBoard", "szText": "Attach Board", "hLabel": 1758017917 }, { "szLabel": "RotateBoard", "szText": "Rotate Board", "hLabel": 1163590679 }, { "szLabel": "BoardPreviewMode", "szText": "Board Preview Mode", "hLabel": 3936437711 }, { "szLabel": "BoardName", "szText": "Board Name (to be hooked up)", "hLabel": 1144732649 }, { "szLabel": "BoardSelectionCarouselNumbers", "szText": "{c_number}{s1}{/c} / {s2}", "hLabel": 3735537960 }, { "szLabel": "TooltipAttribute", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1.4} {s1}", "hLabel": 1255774079 }, { "szLabel": "BoardVariant", "szText": "Board Variant {s1}", "hLabel": 2808437917 }, { "szLabel": "NodeTypeMagic", "szText": "{c_magic}Magic Node", "hLabel": 423457897 }, { "szLabel": "ThresholdBonusAttribute", "szText": "{c_label}Bonus:{/c} Another {s1} if requirements met:", "hLabel": 3235301448 }, { "szLabel": "ThresholdBonusAttributeGlyphModified", "szText": "{c_label}Bonus:{/c} Another {c_green}{s1}{/c} if requirements met:", "hLabel": 1661266349 }, { "szLabel": "RequirementsNotMet", "szText": "{c_red}Requirements not met{/c}", "hLabel": 128335963 }, { "szLabel": "RequirementListThresholdMetWithPlus", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1.4} {c_green}+{s1}{/c} / {s2}", "hLabel": 3906259232 }, { "szLabel": "RequirementListThresholdNotMetWithPlus", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1.4} {c_red}+{s1}{/c} / {s2}", "hLabel": 1955397873 }, { "szLabel": "RefundWithCost", "szText": "Refund {c_gold}Cost:{/c} {s1}", "hLabel": 3757728665 }, { "szLabel": "Select", "szText": "Select", "hLabel": 329375488 }, { "szLabel": "Deselect", "szText": "Deselect", "hLabel": 3155361545 }, { "szLabel": "DeselectHold", "szText": "(Hold) Deselect", "hLabel": 2086160752 }, { "szLabel": "ThresholdGlyphBonus", "szText": "{c_label}Additional Bonus:{/c}", "hLabel": 3176446264 }, { "szLabel": "ThresholdRequirementsHeader", "szText": "{c_label}Requirements:{/c}", "hLabel": 391951482 }, { "szLabel": "BoardUnequip", "szText": "Unequip Board", "hLabel": 2010622191 }, { "szLabel": "ThresholdRequirementsInRangeHeader", "szText": "{c_label}Requirements:{/c} {c_lightgray}(purchased in radius range){/c}", "hLabel": 3122146942 }, { "szLabel": "LockedFeatureText", "szText": "{c_white}Paragon Board unlocks at{/c}", "hLabel": 3267569731 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerLevel", "szText": "{c_gold}Level {s1}{/c}", "hLabel": 1271579141 }, { "szLabel": "ControllerPrompt_Preview", "szText": "Preview", "hLabel": 2521273767 }, { "szLabel": "ControllerPrompt_Cancel", "szText": "Close", "hLabel": 4103052427 }, { "szLabel": "ControllerPrompt_Rotate", "szText": "Rotate", "hLabel": 411932852 }, { "szLabel": "ControllerPrompt_Attach", "szText": "Attach", "hLabel": 4047527514 }, { "szLabel": "SearchBarSelectDeselect", "szText": "Select/Deselect", "hLabel": 3210697076 }, { "szLabel": "SearchBarClearAll", "szText": "Clear All", "hLabel": 3703929387 }, { "szLabel": "RequirementListThresholdMet", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1.4} {c_green}{s1}{/c} / {s2}", "hLabel": 3277563552 }, { "szLabel": "RequirementListThresholdNotMet", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1.4} Required: {c_red}{s1}{/c} / {s2}", "hLabel": 669359473 }, { "szLabel": "Details", "szText": "Details", "hLabel": 96656166 }, { "szLabel": "BoardPreview", "szText": "Preview Board Selection", "hLabel": 4957706 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphRadiusUpgrade", "szText": "{s1}Next Radius Increase at Level {s2}", "hLabel": 1140339764 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphRadiusMax", "szText": "{s1}{c_warning}Radius size is at max.{/c}", "hLabel": 3865057074 }, { "szLabel": "TooltipOptionalBullet", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1.4} ", "hLabel": 1611970169 }, { "szLabel": "BoardInformation", "szText": "Board Information", "hLabel": 4186486446 }, { "szLabel": "BoardLimit", "szText": "Board Limit: {c_number}{s1}{/c}/{s2}", "hLabel": 3414354951 }, { "szLabel": "BoardCapWarningTitle", "szText": "Warning", "hLabel": 2651756820 }, { "szLabel": "BoardCapWarning", "szText": "You will reach the {c_highlight}{s1} board limitation{/c} after attaching this board. Are you sure you want to attach it?", "hLabel": 3971464146 }, { "szLabel": "BoardCapReached", "szText": "Max board amount reached", "hLabel": 1945075816 }, { "szLabel": "RefundAll", "szText": "Refund All", "hLabel": 3657571837 }, { "szLabel": "BoardUnequipWithCost", "szText": "Unequip Board {c_gold}Cost:{/c} {s1}", "hLabel": 1150457348 }, { "szLabel": "ParagonPoint_Value", "szText": "{icon:ParagonPoint_Icon, 1.7}{s1}", "hLabel": 2442883502 }, { "szLabel": "BoardUnequipConfirmation", "szText": "Are you sure you want to {c_highlight}unequip this board{/c}?", "hLabel": 2240477880 }, { "szLabel": "NotEnoughGold", "szText": "{c_red}You don't have enough gold to refund all the nodes.{/c}", "hLabel": 4274144477 }, { "szLabel": "RefundAllConfirmation", "szText": "Are you sure you want to {c_highlight}refund all paragon points{/c}?", "hLabel": 1027568838 }, { "szLabel": "NoSocketableNodes", "szText": "{c_red}Unlock socketable nodes to use{/c}", "hLabel": 167371347 }, { "szLabel": "ParagonPointsSpent", "szText": "{s1} |4point:points; spent", "hLabel": 3222564815 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphRarity_Legendary", "szText": "{c_legendary}Legendary Glyph{/c}", "hLabel": 1648391353 }, { "szLabel": "RarityRequirement", "szText": "Required: {c_red}{s1} Upgrade (unlocks at Level {s2}){/c}", "hLabel": 651184012 }, { "szLabel": "LegendaryGlyphBonus", "szText": "{c_label}Legendary Bonus:{/c}", "hLabel": 3197692166 }, { "szLabel": "RequirementListThresholdNotMetInRange", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1.4} Required (purchased in range): {c_red}{s1}{/c} / {s2}", "hLabel": 4167192693 }, { "szLabel": "RequirementListThresholdMetInRange", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1.4} {c_green}{s1}{/c} / {s2} (purchased in range)", "hLabel": 61492932 }, { "szLabel": "GlyphNotFound", "szText": "Not found", "hLabel": 2965120369 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }