{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/DruidSpirit_Panel.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "SpiritName", "szText": "{s1} Spirit", "hLabel": 4076782012 }, { "szLabel": "MajorSkill", "szText": "Major Boon", "hLabel": 565357688 }, { "szLabel": "MinorSkill", "szText": "Minor Boons", "hLabel": 1990035460 }, { "szLabel": "Offerings", "szText": "Offerings", "hLabel": 1137142883 }, { "szLabel": "OfferingsText", "szText": "Select an amount to offer to the spirit", "hLabel": 2027831144 }, { "szLabel": "PanelText", "szText": "Increase your reputation with this spirit by giving it offerings. The spirit will reward you with Boons.", "hLabel": 2187717653 }, { "szLabel": "SpiritLore", "szText": "\"Spirit specific lore comes here. Lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor ipsum dolor lorem dolor ipsum dolor ipsum dolor.\"", "hLabel": 4076725549 }, { "szLabel": "DruidTotem", "szText": "Druid Totem", "hLabel": 4059696033 }, { "szLabel": "Inventory", "szText": "Inventory", "hLabel": 3125601614 }, { "szLabel": "MakeOfferingKBM", "szText": "Make Offering", "hLabel": 3369098632 }, { "szLabel": "SpiritProgress", "szText": "{s1} / {s2} Progress", "hLabel": 3992040624 }, { "szLabel": "SpiritSkillValue", "szText": "{icon:DruidSpirit_OfferIcon, 2}{s1}", "hLabel": 4167905079 }, { "szLabel": "MakeOfferingConsole", "szText": "{icon:button4, 2} Make Offering", "hLabel": 69737025 }, { "szLabel": "OfferingsNone", "szText": "{c_red}You don't have any offerings{/c}", "hLabel": 2027626067 }, { "szLabel": "AssignSkills", "szText": "Spirit Boons ", "hLabel": 1119159927 }, { "szLabel": "AssignSkillsDescription", "szText": "Give Druidic Spirit Offerings to the animal spirits in {c:FFbf6b31}Túr Dúlra{/c} to unlock their Boons. Select an unlocked Boon to activate its effect.", "hLabel": 590130619 }, { "szLabel": "SkillProgress", "szText": "{s1} / 3", "hLabel": 1477801140 }, { "szLabel": "Spirit_Snake", "szText": "Snake", "hLabel": 2348745196 }, { "szLabel": "Spirit_Wolf", "szText": "Wolf", "hLabel": 1372824530 }, { "szLabel": "Spirit_Eagle", "szText": "Eagle", "hLabel": 2331681688 }, { "szLabel": "Spirit_Deer", "szText": "Deer", "hLabel": 1372130618 }, { "szLabel": "BindSkill", "szText": "Bind Skill", "hLabel": 2211121148 }, { "szLabel": "Confirm", "szText": "Confirm", "hLabel": 3484573774 }, { "szLabel": "SpiritBonding", "szText": "Spirit Bonding", "hLabel": 3917148508 }, { "szLabel": "Locked", "szText": "(Locked)", "hLabel": 66970098 }, { "szLabel": "CurrentBond", "szText": "Current Bond: {c:FFbf6b31}{s1}", "hLabel": 3894785670 }, { "szLabel": "BondingInfo", "szText": "Unlock every Boon from every spirit to gain access to Spirit Bonding. This will let you activate an additional Boon with a spirit of your choice.", "hLabel": 3221207053 }, { "szLabel": "ChooseSpirit", "szText": "Choose Spirit ", "hLabel": 4077175900 }, { "szLabel": "SnakeInfo", "szText": "The snake has no trust in humans, therefore all Boons are hidden. You must {c:FFbf6b31}give 100 offerings at once{/c} to unlock its boons.", "hLabel": 66608318 }, { "szLabel": "OfferingsTextSnake", "szText": "You can only offer the maximum amount", "hLabel": 2744458970 }, { "szLabel": "AllPassivesUnlocked", "szText": "You've unlocked every Boon for this spirit.", "hLabel": 1830286268 }, { "szLabel": "OfferMaxValue", "szText": "/ {s1}", "hLabel": 1761880949 }, { "szLabel": "SpiritLocation", "szText": "Spirit Location: {c:FFbf6b31}Túr Dúlra", "hLabel": 965892500 }, { "szLabel": "ActivePassives", "szText": "{c:FFdba864}{s1}{/c} {c:FF928c82}/ {s2} Boons Activated", "hLabel": 1956029994 }, { "szLabel": "UnbindSkill", "szText": "Unbind Skill", "hLabel": 867449567 }, { "szLabel": "SnakeOffering", "szText": "You must {c:FFbf6b31}give a 100 offerings at once{/c} to unlock all Boons.", "hLabel": 4017684066 }, { "szLabel": "BondingInfo_Unlocked", "szText": "Choose a spirit to bond with, so you can gain an additional Boon.", "hLabel": 1199590849 }, { "szLabel": "BondingInfo_Active", "szText": "You can now {c:FFbf6b31}activate an additional {s1} Boon{/c} from your Spirit Boons panel.", "hLabel": 3050986536 }, { "szLabel": "UnlockConditionTrack", "szText": "To unlock, complete {icon:Druid_Priority_Quest_Icon, 2} {c:FFbf6b31}{s1}{/c}. {hotkey:FAST_QUEST_TRACK} to track.", "hLabel": 2534441256 }, { "szLabel": "BondingInfo_Short", "szText": "Unlock every Boon from every spirit and visit {c:FFbf6b31}Túr Dúlra{/c} to gain access to Spirit Bonding. ", "hLabel": 764727868 }, { "szLabel": "UnlockConditionUntrack", "szText": "To unlock, complete {icon:Druid_Priority_Quest_Icon, 2} {c:FFbf6b31}{s1}{/c}. {hotkey:FAST_QUEST_TRACK} to untrack.", "hLabel": 3795514187 }, { "szLabel": "Spirit_None", "szText": "None", "hLabel": 1372501162 }, { "szLabel": "BondingInfo_Active_Panel", "szText": "You can now {c:FFbf6b31}activate an additional {s1} Boon{/c} from this panel.", "hLabel": 201635959 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }