{ "MenuLabel": "TBD", "Line1.6D03F": "Si vas a invadir mi hogar y a... rebuscar entre mis cosas...", "Line4.6D03F": "... al menos ten la decencia de quedarte a cenar conmigo. Tengo un hambre de lobo.", "Line1.6D03F.F": "Si vas a invadir mi hogar y a... rebuscar entre mis cosas...", "Line4.6D03F.F": "... al menos ten la decencia de quedarte a cenar conmigo. Tengo un hambre de lobo." }
Audio /2
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If you're going to trespass into my home, rifle through my things.
Then at least have the decency to join me for supper. I'm bloody hungry.
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/Conversation/QST_Prologue_Ridge_Cine_PLI.cnv", "eConvType": 3, "unk_b7531ee": 0, "snoConversationFollowup": "Conversation/QST_Frac_Pro_Ridge_Cine_CPL", "flCooldownTime": 0, "flCancelDistance": 0, "bFadeAtStart": false, "bFadeAtEnd": false, "bJournalVO": false, "unk_ac91f5d": true, "unk_e1d8535": true, "bBookendConversation": false, "bIsInterruptible": false, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] }, "dwFlags": 128, "arRootNodes": [ { "dwType": 2571982133, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 1, "dwNextNodeID": 4, "dwParentNodeID": 0, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "", "arChildNodes": [ { "dwType": 3220679561, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 2, "dwNextNodeID": 4, "dwParentNodeID": 1, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "SLOW MOVE through the hidden room in the back of Lorath’s house. Dusty WEAPONS hang from the walls alongside occult ARTIFACTS. Old PAPERS scrawled with runes, symbols, and diagrams of demon anatomy are scattered across a table. CLOSE ON a FANGED DEMON SKULL sitting on a shelf. The light seems to dance in its hollow eyes. The tension mounts and then... BANG! The front door swings open. A gust of air howls through the house. The fire in the hearth spits out embers. An IMPOSING SILHOUETTE looms in the front doorway. LORATH, but he’s mostly concealed in shadow. A giant HALBERD is strapped to his back. Hunting knives are tucked into his belt. He’s carrying something over his shoulder. Blood drips from whatever it is onto the floor. Is this guy going to hack us apart? He steps forward. Firelight from the hearth reveals his features: a scar on his eye, a piece of his ear missing, and a HORADRIM pendant around his neck. Not the typical “wise man.”", "snoSpeaker": "Speaker/NPC_QST_Lorath", "eSpeakerTarget": 0, "eGender": -1, "ePlayerClass": -1, "tDisplayTimes": [ { "flDisplayTime": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 7.833333492279053, 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