{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/WorldTiers.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "WorldTiers_Title", "szText": "World Tiers", "hLabel": 832727632 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier1", "szText": "Adventurer", "hLabel": 57879821 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier3", "szText": "Nightmare", "hLabel": 57879823 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier4", "szText": "Torment", "hLabel": 57879824 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier1_Recommended", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1} Players who are new to Diablo or want a light challenge {icon:bullet, 1} Levels {c_highlight}1-50{/c}", "hLabel": 4077954959 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier3_ItemInfo", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1} {c_highlight}Sacred{/c} items and new {c_highlight}Unique{/c} items can drop {icon:bullet, 1} {c_highlight}Nightmare Sigils{/c} can drop that unseal {c_highlight}Nightmare Dungeons{/c} {icon:bullet, 1} {c_highlight}Champion{/c} monsters with damage resistance auras can appear", "hLabel": 2735669449 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier4_ItemInfo", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1} {c_highlight}Ancestral{/c} items can drop", "hLabel": 2803470826 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTiers_Warning", "szText": "Changing your Difficulty terminates all active portals, resets all incomplete Whisper progress, and closes any active Nightmare Dungeon.", "hLabel": 4161320676 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier3_Detail1", "szText": "Champion monsters now have a chance to appear.", "hLabel": 734766706 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier3_Detail2", "szText": "Sacred items now have a low chance of dropping.", "hLabel": 734766707 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier3_Detail3", "szText": "Nightmare Sigils which in turn unseal Nightmare Dungeons are unlocked.", "hLabel": 734766708 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier4_Detail1", "szText": "Sacred items drop more frequently.", "hLabel": 2689079155 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier4_Detail2", "szText": "Rare Nightmare Sigils unsealing more difficult challenges are unlocked.", "hLabel": 2689079156 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier3_Detail4", "szText": "Players gain 100% XP bonus. Resistances to All Elements are reduced by 25%.", "hLabel": 734766709 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier4_Detail3", "szText": "Players gain 150% XP bonus. Resistances to All Elements are reduced by 50%.", "hLabel": 2689079157 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTiers_Confirm", "szText": "{Icon:button4, 2.0} Confirm Selection", "hLabel": 349662236 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2", "szText": "Veteran", "hLabel": 57879822 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2_MonsterInfo", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1} Enemies are more challenging {icon:bullet, 1} Monsters give {c_highlight}50%{/c} increased Experience {icon:bullet, 1} Monsters drop {c_highlight}20%{/c} more Gold {icon:bullet, 1} Monsters drop more items", "hLabel": 2340491329 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTierH2", "szText": "Select Difficulty", "hLabel": 1910035958 }, { "szLabel": "WT1", "szText": "World Tier 1", "hLabel": 133468 }, { "szLabel": "WT2", "szText": "World Tier 2", "hLabel": 133469 }, { "szLabel": "WT3", "szText": "World Tier 3", "hLabel": 133470 }, { "szLabel": "WT4", "szText": "World Tier 4", "hLabel": 133471 }, { "szLabel": "SelectButton", "szText": "Select", "hLabel": 1886222268 }, { "szLabel": "BackButton", "szText": "Back", "hLabel": 643788909 }, { "szLabel": "SelectButtonController", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2} Select", "hLabel": 784153472 }, { "szLabel": "BackButtonController", "szText": "{icon:button2, 2} Back", "hLabel": 3399386481 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier1_Detail1", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1} Recommended for players who are new to Diablo or want a light challenge", "hLabel": 1121109104 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier1_Detail2", "szText": "Enemies are easy to defeat", "hLabel": 1121109105 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier1_Detail3", "szText": "Drops are average", "hLabel": 1121109106 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2_Detail1", "szText": "Recommended for Diablo veterans who want to be tested", "hLabel": 3075421553 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2_Detail2", "szText": "Enemies will challenge you", "hLabel": 3075421554 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2_Detail3", "szText": "Players gain 50% XP bonus", "hLabel": 3075421555 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2_Detail4", "szText": "Players gain 20% Gold bonus", "hLabel": 3075421556 }, { "szLabel": "Confirm", "szText": "Confirm", "hLabel": 3484573774 }, { "szLabel": "Close", "szText": "Close", "hLabel": 121412150 }, { "szLabel": "Close_Prompt", "szText": "{icon:button2, 2} Close", "hLabel": 437926295 }, { "szLabel": "Confirm_Prompt", "szText": "{icon:button4, 2} Confirm", "hLabel": 1036072111 }, { "szLabel": "EnemyInfo", "szText": "Enemy Details:", "hLabel": 3743898890 }, { "szLabel": "ItemDrops", "szText": "New:", "hLabel": 959254711 }, { "szLabel": "Recommeded", "szText": "Recommended for:", "hLabel": 2247275861 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier1_MonsterInfo", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1} Enemies are easy to defeat", "hLabel": 1008862912 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier1_ItemInfo", "szText": "", "hLabel": 2600066695 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2_Recommended", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1} Players who desire more challenge {icon:bullet, 1} Levels {c_highlight}1-50{/c}", "hLabel": 1114616080 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier3_Unlock", "szText": "Unlocked by completing the Campaign and {c_highlight}Cathedral of Light{/c} Capstone Dungeon {icon:Marker_DungeonChallenge, 2.0} in Kyovashad, {c_highlight}World Tier 2: Veteran{/c}.", "hLabel": 1478871322 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier3_Recommend", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1} Levels {c_highlight}50-70{/c}", "hLabel": 2960212776 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier3_MonsterInfo", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1} Enemies are more formidable {icon:bullet, 1} Monsters give {c_highlight}150%{/c} increased Experience {icon:bullet, 1} Monsters drop {c_highlight}20%{/c} more Gold {icon:bullet, 1} Your Resistances to All Elements are reduced by {c_highlight}25%{/c}", "hLabel": 3672119746 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier4_Unlock", "szText": "Unlocked by completing the {c_highlight}Fallen Temple{/c} Capstone Dungeon {icon:Marker_DungeonChallenge, 2.0} in northeastern Dry Steppes, {c_highlight}World Tier 3: Nightmare{/c}.", "hLabel": 1147641339 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier4_Recommend", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1} Levels {c_highlight}70+{/c}", "hLabel": 902690921 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier4_MonsterInfo", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1} Enemies are more fearsome {icon:bullet, 1} Monsters give {c_highlight}250%{/c} increased Experience {icon:bullet, 1} Monsters drop {c_highlight}20%{/c} more Gold {icon:bullet, 1} Your Resistances to All Elements are reduced by {c_highlight}50%{/c}", "hLabel": 708780867 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2_ItemInfo", "szText": "", "hLabel": 2667868072 }, { "szLabel": "WT1_Bullet1", "szText": "Recommended for new players to Diablo or want a light challenge", "hLabel": 1538770036 }, { "szLabel": "WT1_Bullet2", "szText": "Enemies are easy to defeat", "hLabel": 1538770037 }, { "szLabel": "WT2_Bullet1", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1} Recommended for Diablo veterans who want more of a challenge", "hLabel": 3493082485 }, { "szLabel": "WT2_Bullet3", "szText": "Enemies are more challenging", "hLabel": 3493082487 }, { "szLabel": "WT2_Bullet4", "szText": "Monsters give {c_highlight}50%{/c} increased Experience", "hLabel": 3493082488 }, { "szLabel": "WT2_Bullet5", "szText": "Monsters drop {c_highlight}20%{/c} more Gold", "hLabel": 3493082489 }, { "szLabel": "WT2_Bullet2", "szText": "Levels {c_highlight}1-50{/c}", "hLabel": 3493082486 }, { "szLabel": "Active", "szText": "Active", "hLabel": 3917826332 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2_Detail5", "szText": "Items drop more frequently", "hLabel": 3075421557 }, { "szLabel": "WT2_Bullet6", "szText": "Monsters drop more items", "hLabel": 3493082490 }, { "szLabel": "WT5", "szText": "World Tier 5", "hLabel": 133472 }, { "szLabel": "WT6", "szText": "World Tier 6", "hLabel": 133473 }, { "szLabel": "WT7", "szText": "World Tier 7", "hLabel": 133474 }, { "szLabel": "SelectDifficultyTitle", "szText": "Select Difficulty", "hLabel": 929550549 }, { "szLabel": "LevelInfo", "szText": "Level Details", "hLabel": 3376905572 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty01_Title", "szText": "Normal", "hLabel": 2599797717 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty01_Flavor", "szText": "Hell has awoken", "hLabel": 3643936829 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty01_Guideance", "szText": "For a standard challenge", "hLabel": 2898203736 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty02_Title", "szText": "Hard", "hLabel": 3891265686 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty02_Flavor", "szText": "The fires burn hotter", "hLabel": 3312706846 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty02_Guideance", "szText": "For a greater challenge", "hLabel": 840681881 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty02_MainStat01", "szText": "[PH] Monsters have 200% more health and deal 20% more damage", "hLabel": 2547718678 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty02_MainStat02", "szText": "[PH] Monsters are more aggressive", "hLabel": 2547718679 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty02_MainStat03", "szText": "[PH] Monsters grant 50% increased experience and drop 5% more gold", "hLabel": 2547718680 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty02_AdditionalInfo", "szText": "[PH] X and Y items have an increased chance to drop", "hLabel": 336728217 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty03_Title", "szText": "Expert", "hLabel": 887766359 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty03_Flavor", "szText": "There will be no quarter", "hLabel": 2981476863 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty03_Guidedance", "szText": "For a substantial challenge", "hLabel": 2797056414 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty03_MainStat01", "szText": "[PH] Monsters have 400% more health and deal 44% more damage", "hLabel": 3368974199 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty03_MainStat02", "szText": "[PH] Monsters are even more aggressive", "hLabel": 3368974200 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty03_MainStat03", "szText": "[PH] Monsters grant 100% increased experience and drop 10% more gold", "hLabel": 3368974201 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty03_AdditionalInfo", "szText": "[PH] Monsters grant 100% increased experience and drop 10% more gold", "hLabel": 541537914 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty04_Title", "szText": "Torment I", "hLabel": 2179234328 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty04_Flavor", "szText": "The abyss stares back", "hLabel": 2650246880 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty04_Guideance", "szText": " For new level 60 characters", "hLabel": 1020605467 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty04_UnlockCriteria", "szText": "[PH] Unlock by completing The Pit of the Artificer on tier 30", "hLabel": 1733199541 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty04_MainStat01", "szText": "[PH] Monsters have 800% more health and deal 73% more damage", "hLabel": 4190229720 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty04_MainStat02", "szText": "[PH] Monsters are highly aggressive", "hLabel": 4190229721 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty04_MainStat03", "szText": "[PH] Your Armor is reduced by 5000", "hLabel": 4190229722 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty04_MainStat04", "szText": "[PH] Monsters grant 200% increased experience and drop 15% more gold", "hLabel": 4190229723 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty04_AdditionalInfo", "szText": "[PH] X and Y items have a highly increased chance to drop. More content becomes available NEEDS EXPANSION", "hLabel": 746347611 }, { "szLabel": "DifficultyLocked", "szText": "Locked", "hLabel": 278660133 }, { "szLabel": "Difficulty05_UnlockCriteria", "szText": "[PH] Unlock by completing The Pit of the Artificer on tier 60", "hLabel": 1938009238 }, { "szLabel": "VisitKyovashad", "szText": "Visit{icon:Marker_WorldTiers, 2.0}in Kyovashad to Change", "hLabel": 951488185 }, { "szLabel": "Unlock_WorldTier2", "szText": "Hard Unlocked", "hLabel": 2545483769 }, { "szLabel": "Unlock_WorldTier3", "szText": "Expert Unlocked", "hLabel": 2545483770 }, { "szLabel": "Unlock_WorldTier4", "szText": "Penitent Unlocked", "hLabel": 2545483771 }, { "szLabel": "Unlock_WorldTier5", "szText": "Torment I Unlocked", "hLabel": 2545483772 }, { "szLabel": "Unlock_WorldTier6", "szText": "Torment II Unlocked", "hLabel": 2545483773 }, { "szLabel": "Unlock_WorldTier7", "szText": "Torment III Unlocked", "hLabel": 2545483774 }, { "szLabel": "Unlock_WorldTier8", "szText": "Torment IV Unlocked", "hLabel": 2545483775 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }