{ "MenuLabel": "El destino de Inarius", "Line13.6DE47": "¿Qué ha pasado?", "Line17.6DE47": "Pues la profecía se equivocaba. \"Una lanza de luz atravesará el corazón del Odio\".", "Line21.6D03F": "En ese caso, será más fácil atraparla en la piedra de alma. No podemos parar.", "Line13.6DE47.F": "¿Qué ha pasado?", "Line15.BAE4.Bar.F": "Lilith… le arrancó las alas a Inarius. Era como si estuviera jugando con él. Quería que el ángel sufriese antes de destruirlo.", "Line15.BAE4.Bar.M": "Lilith… le arrancó las alas a Inarius. Era como si estuviera jugando con él. Quería que el ángel sufriese antes de destruirlo.", "Line15.BAE4.Dru.F": "Lilith… le arrancó las alas a Inarius. Era como si estuviera jugando con él. Quería que el ángel sufriese antes de destruirlo.", "Line15.BAE4.Dru.M": "Lilith… le arrancó las alas a Inarius. Era como si estuviera jugando con él. Quería que el ángel sufriese antes de destruirlo.", "Line15.BAE4.Nec.F": "Lilith… le arrancó las alas a Inarius. Era como si estuviera jugando con él. Quería que el ángel sufriese antes de destruirlo.", "Line15.BAE4.Nec.M": "Lilith… le arrancó las alas a Inarius. Era como si estuviera jugando con él. Quería que el ángel sufriese antes de destruirlo.", "Line15.BAE4.Rog.F": "Lilith… le arrancó las alas a Inarius. Era como si estuviera jugando con él. Quería que el ángel sufriese antes de destruirlo.", "Line15.BAE4.Rog.M": "Lilith… le arrancó las alas a Inarius. Era como si estuviera jugando con él. Quería que el ángel sufriese antes de destruirlo.", "Line15.BAE4.Sor.F": "Lilith… le arrancó las alas a Inarius. Era como si estuviera jugando con él. Quería que el ángel sufriese antes de destruirlo.", "Line15.BAE4.Sor.M": "Lilith… le arrancó las alas a Inarius. Era como si estuviera jugando con él. Quería que el ángel sufriese antes de destruirlo.", "Line17.6DE47.F": "Pues la profecía se equivocaba. \"Una lanza de luz atravesará el corazón del Odio\".", "Line19.BAE4.Bar.F": "Quizá no. Lilith también está herida.", "Line19.BAE4.Bar.M": "Quizá no. Lilith también está herida.", "Line19.BAE4.Dru.F": "Quizá no. Lilith también está herida.", "Line19.BAE4.Dru.M": "Quizá no. Lilith también está herida.", "Line19.BAE4.Nec.F": "Quizá no. Lilith también está herida.", "Line19.BAE4.Nec.M": "Quizá no. Lilith también está herida.", "Line19.BAE4.Rog.F": "Quizá no. Lilith también está herida.", "Line19.BAE4.Rog.M": "Quizá no. Lilith también está herida.", "Line19.BAE4.Sor.F": "Quizá no. Lilith también está herida.", "Line19.BAE4.Sor.M": "Quizá no. Lilith también está herida.", "Line21.6D03F.F": "En ese caso, será más fácil atraparla en la piedra de alma. No podemos parar." }
Audio /23
play content
Lilith, she tore off in Arius' wings. It was like she was toying with him. She wanted the angel to suffer before she ended him.
Lilith, she tore off in Aureus' wings. It was like she was... ...toying with him. She wanted the angel to suffer before she ended him.
Then the prophecy was wrong. A spear of light piercing hatred's heart.
Maybe not. Let earth is wounded too.
Maybe not. Lilith is wounded too.
Maybe not. Lilith is wounded too.
Maybe not. Lilith is wounded too.
Maybe not. Leleth is wounded too.
Maybe not. Lilith is wounded too.
Maybe not. Lilith is wounded too.
Maybe not. Lilith is wounded too.
Well, maybe not. Lilith is wounded too.
Lilith. She tore off Anarius' wings. It was like she was toying with him. She wanted the angel to suffer before she ended him.
Maybe not. Lilith is wounded too.
If she's hurt, it will be easier to trap her in the Soul Stone. We cannot stop.
What happened?
Lilith, she tore off Inarius' wings. It was like she was toying with him. She wanted the angel to suffer before she ended him.
Lilith, she tore off in Aureus' wings. It was like she was toying with him. She wanted the angel to suffer before she ended him.
Lilith. She tore off Anarius' wings. It was like she was toying with him. She wanted the angel to suffer before she ended him.
Lilith, she... She tore off Inaris' wings. It was like she was... ...toying with him. She wanted the angel to suffer... ...before she ended him.
Lilith, she tore off Inaris' wings. It was like she was toying with him. She wanted the angel to suffer before she ended him.
She tore off Inarius' wings. It was like she was... ...toying with him. She wanted the angel to suffer before she ended him.
Lilith, she tore off Enarius' wings. It was like she was toying with him. She wanted the angel to suffer before she ended him.
References to this File
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