References to this File
{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/ModalSurvey.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "SurveyScale1", "szText": "Not At All", "hLabel": 444200967 }, { "szLabel": "SurveyScale2", "szText": "Slightly", "hLabel": 444200968 }, { "szLabel": "SurveyScale3", "szText": "Moderately", "hLabel": 444200969 }, { "szLabel": "SurveyScale4", "szText": "Very", "hLabel": 444200970 }, { "szLabel": "SurveyScale5", "szText": "Extremely", "hLabel": 444200971 }, { "szLabel": "Question_QuestComprehension", "szText": "How clear was it what to do during this quest?", "hLabel": 986597251 }, { "szLabel": "Question_QuestDirection", "szText": "How clear was it where to go during this quest?", "hLabel": 3793643978 }, { "szLabel": "Question_QuestGoal", "szText": "How clear was it, in the context of the story, why you went on this quest?", "hLabel": 2788210412 }, { "szLabel": "Question_OpenEnded", "szText": "Additional thoughts or comments:", "hLabel": 322509353 }, { "szLabel": "SurveyModalHeader", "szText": "We Want Your Feedback", "hLabel": 121292324 }, { "szLabel": "SubmitConfirmation", "szText": "Feedback Sent", "hLabel": 2733457245 }, { "szLabel": "Question_IntentToReturn", "szText": "Overall, how fun is Diablo IV?", "hLabel": 4254627500 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }