References to this File
References to other File
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_GroundImpact_1P
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_GroundImpact2_1P
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Fire_Loop_1P
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Whoosh_1P
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Metal_Ring__1P
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Hammer_InGround__1P
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_HandTouch_Metal__1P
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Hammer_Spawn__1P
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Hammer_Despawn__1P
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_GroundImpact_3P_Friendly
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_GroundImpact_3P_Enemy
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_GroundImpact2_3P_Friendly
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_GroundImpact2_3P_Enemy
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Fire_Loop_3P_Friendly
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Fire_Loop_3P_Enemy
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Whoosh_3P_Friendly
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Whoosh_3P_Enemy
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Metal_Ring__3P_Friendly
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Metal_Ring__3P_Enemy
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Hammer_InGround__3P_Friendly
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Hammer_InGround__3P_Enemy
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_HandTouch_Metal__3P_Friendly
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_HandTouch_Metal__3P_Enemy
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Hammer_Spawn__3P_Friendly
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Hammer_Spawn__3P_Enemy
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Hammer_Despawn__3P_Friendly
  • Sound/Play_Barb_Foley_Emote_stor_005_Hammer_Despawn__3P_Enemy
  • 1606368
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