References to this File
References to other File
  • Particle/
  • Particle/
  • Particle/
  • Particle/
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_impact_Spray
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_Death_bubble
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_impact_splash
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_impact_decalSplatter
  • Particle/
  • Shake/goatmanAbom_death_impact_shake
  • Sound/Play_MON_GoatAbom_FOLY_ArmExplode_3P
  • Sound/Play_MON_GoatAbom_IMP_Body_3P
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_Death_bubble_large
  • Particle/
  • Light/
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_impact_decalSplatter_end
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_impact_splash_end
  • Particle/
  • Actor/
  • Actor/
  • Actor/
  • Actor/
  • Explosion/
  • Explosion/goatmanAbom_death_Guts_exp_01
  • Particle/
  • Explosion/goatmanAbom_death_right_lung_exp
  • EffectGroup/goatmanAbom_death_armExplosion
  • Trail/goatmanAbom_death_armExplosion_blood_trail
  • EffectGroup/goatmanAbom_death_armExplosion_02
  • EffectGroup/goatmanAbom_death_armExplosion_03
  • EffectGroup/goatmanAbom_death_armExplosion_04
  • Light/
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_armExpl_blood_decal
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_armExpl_bloodSplats_decal
  • Particle/goatman_abom_death_armExplosion_blood_splash_Decal
  • Particle/goatman_abom_death_armExplosion_blood_small_Decal
  • Particle/goatman_abom_death_armExplosion_blood_small_Decal_02
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_impact_decalSplatter_small
  • EffectGroup/goatmanAbom_death_armExplosion_05
  • Particle/worldBoss_abyssLord_bloodDecal
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_impact_decalSplatter_end_extra
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_decal_clutterCut
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_decal_clutterCut_03
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_decal_clutterCut_02
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_decal_clutterCut_04
  • Particle/goatmanAbom_death_decal_clutterCut_core
  • Sound/Play_MON_GoatAbom_FOLY_Posion_Cast_Attack_3P
  • 164772
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