References to this File
  • PlayerClass/Rogue.pcl
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FIG_1180.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Hawe_Delta_Cine_CHT.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_5590.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLB_2050.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLB_2180.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_PLI_1040.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FIG_1050.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_2070.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_2010.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_2100.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLD_1150.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FIG_1250.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FIG_Main.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLB_2120.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_5560.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_4020.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Frac_Pro_Kyov_Cine_CPC.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FIG_1200.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_5610.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Hawe_Verge_Cine_CHS.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_5010.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_HED_1080.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BDD_1260.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FIG_1240.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLB_2190.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_SLA_1110.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Conv_Kehj1_Cine_CCL.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Scos_Moors_Cine_CSN.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_5510.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FIG_1100.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_3010.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Step_KedBardu_Cine_CDP.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_1010.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_6510.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_HSS_1090.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BDD_1010.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_PLI_1007.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_1130.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FIG_1080.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Frac_Und2_Cine_CFD.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Frac_Und2_Cine_FHK.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLD_1240.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_EPL_1185.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_8530.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLB_2140.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_1060.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLB_1010.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLD_1040.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Hell_Cathedral_PreRTC.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_2090.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Scos_Keep_Cine_CSD.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Kehj_Epi_Cine_CEM.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Hawe_Verge_Cine_CHC.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Step_Main_Cine_CDR.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Hell_Nightmare_Intro.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_2020.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Kehj_Caldeum_Cine_CKC.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_EPL_1040.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_4060.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLB_2040.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FNV_1020.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Scos_Ruins_Cine_SLY.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_1140.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_HED_1030.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_1080.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Hell_Battle_CGI.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_6560.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_SLA_1070.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_5520.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FIG_1260.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_2010.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Frac_Und_Cine_CFN.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_5040.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_5530.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Hawe_Delta_Cine_CHN.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Frac_Pro_Taiga_Cine_CPD.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BSE_1010_Hell.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_1170.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FIG_1040.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_8560.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Hell_City_Cine_CBH.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_4030.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_HSS_1070.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_6550.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLB_1200.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_PLI_1030.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_1120.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLD_1010.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Conv_Kehj2_Cine_CCE.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_HED_1070.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Scos_Hills_Cine_CSA.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_EPL_1010.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FNV_1150.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_EPL_1160.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_PLI_1060.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_6570.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_8510.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_SLA_1005.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Kehj_EliasPal_Cine_KEL.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_4010.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLB_2220.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_8630.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_8540.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_2110.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_1070.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_HSS_1010.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_OutroN_simple.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLB_2090.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_2080.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLD_1080.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Kehj_Caldeum_Cine_BLI.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FIG_1090.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_EPL_1020.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Frac_Und2_Cine_CFB.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Scos_Astaroth_Cine_CSB.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_EPL_1030.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLB_2160.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_3010.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FIG_1220.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_5600.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Hawe_Bog_Cine_CHW.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLD_1220.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_5550.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_1075.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_6540.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_8520.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Frac_Pro_Taiga_Cine_PFV.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_1090.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FNV_1005.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Hawe_Finale_Cine_CHE.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Frac_GaleValley_Cine_CCV.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Nightmare_Liliths_Offer.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Scos_Hills_Cine_CSY.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Hell_City_Cine_CBM.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_FIG_1020.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Scos_Estate_Cine_SLD.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Scos_Hills_Cine_CSW.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_SLA_1220.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_6530.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_8550.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_HSS_Main.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_4050.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Hell_City_Cine_CBW.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_SLA_1010.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_HSS_1020.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Nightmare_Lilith_Rathma.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Naha_Lingering01_020.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_3020.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Scos_Ruins_Cine_CSE.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_NBK_5030.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Kehj_Caldeum_Cine_CKI.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_8620.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Hell_City_Cine_CBE.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_4030.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_EPL_1180.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLD_1030.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Step_Main_Cine_CDG.efg
  • EffectGroup/Uberlilith_PortalOperation.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Kehj_EliasPal_Cine_CDM.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_POP_3012.efg
  • EffectGroup/Conv_QST_Frac_Pro_Ridge_Cine_CPL.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_BLB_2030.efg
  • EffectGroup/IGC_KSE_1010_Kehj.efg
  • References to other File
  • Appearance/rogF_base00
  • AppearanceSet/RogueF_Armor
  • AnimSet/rog_ui_frontEnd
  • AnimSet/rog_skills_bow
  • AnimSet/rog_skills_dw
  • AnimSet/rog_skills_xbow
  • AnimSet/rog_skills_dwtt
  • AnimSet/rog_xbow_ui_wardrobe
  • AnimSet/rog_bow_ui_wardrobe
  • AnimSet/rog_dw_ui_wardrobe
  • AnimSet/rog_hth_ui_wardrobe
  • AnimSet/rogF_skills
  • AnimSet/rog_mount
  • AnimSet/rog_mount_cat
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes
  • AnimSet/rog_Interact
  • AnimSet/rog_base
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_s00_001
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_s00_002
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_s01_003
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_s01_004
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_s01_005
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_s01_006
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_s01_010
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_s01_011
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_s01_012
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_s01_014
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_wingsOfTheCreator
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_025
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_017
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_021
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_016
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_026
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_027
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_015
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_018
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_019
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_020
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_028
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_030
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_032
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_034
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_033
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_035
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_038
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_039
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_037
  • AnimSet/rog_emotes_stor_036
  • AnimTree/Player_AnimTree
  • Appearance/rogF_stor214_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor214_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor214_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor214_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor214_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_uniq97_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor208_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor208_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor208_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor208_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor208_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor209_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor209_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor209_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor209_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor209_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor210_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor210_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor210_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor210_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor210_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_gnrc125_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_gnrc125_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_gnrc127_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor199_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor199_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor199_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor199_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor199_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor212_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor212_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor212_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor212_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor212_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_uniq95_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor216_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor216_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor216_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor216_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor216_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor204_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor204_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor204_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor204_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor204_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor196_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor196_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor196_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor196_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor196_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_gnrc126_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor187_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor187_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor187_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor187_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor187_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor200_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor200_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor200_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor200_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor200_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor203_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor203_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor203_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor203_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor203_TRS
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/rogF_P00
  • Appearance/rogF_P01
  • Appearance/rogF_P02
  • Appearance/rogF_P03
  • Appearance/jwl00_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl01_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl02_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl03_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl04_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl05_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl06_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl07_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl08_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl09_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl10_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl11_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl12_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl13_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl14_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl15_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl16_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl17_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl18_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl19_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl20_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl21_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl22_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl23_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl24_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl25_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl26_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl27_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl28_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl29_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl30_rogF
  • Appearance/jwl31_rogF
  • Appearance/rogF_H00
  • Appearance/rogF_H01
  • Appearance/rogF_H02
  • Appearance/rogF_H03
  • Appearance/rogF_H04
  • Appearance/rogF_H05
  • Appearance/rogF_H06
  • Appearance/rogF_H07
  • Appearance/rogF_H08
  • Appearance/rogF_H09
  • Appearance/rogF_base01_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_base02_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_base03_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_base04_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_base05_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_base06_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_base07_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_base08_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_base09_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft25_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft26_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft27_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft28_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft29_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft30_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft44_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets50_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets51_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets52_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets53_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets54_TRS
  • Appearance/rogf_sets55_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets56_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_gnrc127_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_dlux100_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor150_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor151_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor152_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor154_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor161_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_pvpa75_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_pvpa76_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor164_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor163_TRS
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/rogF_stor162_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_base02_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_base02_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_base02_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_base02_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_base01_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_base01_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_base01_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_base01_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_base03_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_base03_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_base03_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_base03_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_base04_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_base04_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_base04_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_base04_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_base05_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_base05_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_base05_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_base05_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_base06_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_base06_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_base06_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_base06_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_base07_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_base07_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_base07_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_base07_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_base08_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_base08_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_base08_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_base08_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_base09_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_base09_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_base09_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft25_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_crft25_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_crft25_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_crft25_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft26_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_crft26_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_crft26_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_crft26_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft27_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_crft27_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_crft27_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_crft27_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft28_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_crft28_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_crft28_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_crft28_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft29_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_crft29_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_crft29_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_crft29_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft30_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_crft30_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_crft30_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_crft30_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_crft44_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_crft44_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_crft44_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_pvpa75_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_pvpa75_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_pvpa75_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_pvpa76_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_pvpa76_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_pvpa76_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_pvpa76_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets50_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_sets50_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_sets50_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_sets50_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets51_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_sets51_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_sets51_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_sets51_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets52_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_sets52_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_sets52_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_sets52_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets53_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_sets53_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_sets53_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_sets53_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets54_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_sets54_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_sets54_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_sets54_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets56_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_sets56_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_sets56_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_sets56_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor150_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor150_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor150_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor150_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor151_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor151_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor151_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor151_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor152_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor152_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor152_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor152_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor154_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor154_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor154_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor154_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor161_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor161_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor161_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor161_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor162_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor162_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor162_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor162_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor163_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor163_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor163_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor163_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor164_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor164_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor164_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor164_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_dlux100_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_dlux100_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_dlux100_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_dlux100_BTS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor165_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor165_GLV
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  • Appearance/rogF_crft44_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor156_BTS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor156_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor156_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor156_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor170_TRS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor170_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor170_BTS
  • Appearance/rogf_sets55_HLM
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor171_HLM
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor171_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor158_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor158_TRS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor190_BTS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor190_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor166_HLM
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor194_BTS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor194_HLM
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor153_BTS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor153_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor194_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_pvpa75_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor188_TRS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor188_HLM
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor192_HLM
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  • Appearance/rogF_H10
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor175_HLM
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor155_TRS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor184_LEG
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor198_HLM
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor183_HLM
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor183_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor206_BTS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor206_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor193_BTS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor193_HLM
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor178_GLV
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor178_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor178_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor205_TRS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor206_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_base10_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_base10_TRS
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  • Appearance/rogF_base10_GLV
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor207_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor207_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor207_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor207_TRS
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  • Appearance/rogF_base11_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_base11_HLM
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor211_BTS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor211_HLM
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor215_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor215_LEG
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor219_BTS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor219_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor219_LEG
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor168_BTS
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor168_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor168_LEG
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  • Appearance/rogF_stor217_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor217_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor217_TRS
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/rogF_stor213_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor213_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor213_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor213_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor213_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_H19
  • Appearance/rogF_stor180_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor180_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor180_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor180_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor180_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_uniq95_trs
  • Appearance/rogF_H13
  • Appearance/rogF_H14
  • Appearance/rogF_gnrc125_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_gnrc126_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_gnrc128_HLM
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/rogF_base12_LEG
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/rogF_sets57_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets57_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_sets57_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_sets57_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_sets57_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets58_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets58_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_sets58_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_sets58_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_sets58_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_H18
  • Appearance/rogF_H11
  • Appearance/rogF_test999_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_test999_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_test999_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_test999_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_H17
  • Appearance/rogF_H12
  • Appearance/rogF_H16
  • Appearance/rogF_H15
  • Appearance/rogF_stor202_BTS
  • Appearance/rogF_stor202_GLV
  • Appearance/rogF_stor202_HLM
  • Appearance/rogF_stor202_LEG
  • Appearance/rogF_stor202_TRS
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/
  • Appearance/rogF_gnrc125_TRS
  • Appearance/rogF_gnrc130_HLM
  • Light/Spotlight_Player_Rogue
  • Physics/Ragdoll
  • CollisionSettings/Player_Default
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_CantPickup
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_CantUse
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_BelongsToOthers
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_NotEnoughHealth
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_NotEnoughResource
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_NotEResource2nd
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_NotEnoughStamina
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_InvalidTarget
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_InTown
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_ItemRequirements
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_NotEnoughCharges
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_InCooldown
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_UnusableInArea
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_InsufficientFunds
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_ItemLevel
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_ItemClass
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_ObjectLocked
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_ItemUnidentified
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_InvalidLocation
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_OutOfPotions
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_EventError
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_MissingCraftMats
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_EntirePartyPres
  • Conversation/HRO_RogueF_CantSalvage
  • EffectGroup/actor_death_phys
  • EffectGroup/actor_death_fire
  • EffectGroup/actor_death_lightning
  • EffectGroup/actor_death_cold
  • EffectGroup/actor_death_poison
  • EffectGroup/actor_death_shadow
  • EffectGroup/player_actor_getHit_Phys
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_getHit_fire
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_getHit_lightning
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_getHit_cold
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_getHit_poison
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_getHit_shadow
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_getHit_phys_directional
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_getHit_fire_directional
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_getHit_lightning_directional
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_getHit_cold_directional
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_getHit_poison_directional
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_getHit_shadow_directional
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_dot_phys
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_dot_fire
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_dot_lightning
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_dot_cold
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_dot_poison
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_dot_shadow
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_dot_application_phys
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_dot_application_fire
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_dot_application_lightning
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_dot_application_cold
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_dot_application_poison
  • EffectGroup/Player_actor_dot_application_shadow
  • EffectGroup/master_Champion_fxSwitch
  • Script/
  • SoundTable/FOOT_HRO_Rogue_Run
  • SoundTable/FOOT_HRO_Rogue_Walk
  • SoundTable/FOOT_HRO_Rogue_JumpLand
  • SoundTable/VOX_HRO_Rogue_Female
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Foley_PvPa075__Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Foley_PvPa075__Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Foley_PvPa076__Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Foley_PvPa076__Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Foley_PvPa076__Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor205_BPSilver_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor205_BPSilver_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor205_BPSilver_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor188_BPSilver_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor188_BPSilver_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor188_BPSilver_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Sorcerer_Armor_Stor205_BPPlat_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Sorcerer_Armor_Stor205_BPPlat_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Stor190_BP_Basics_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Stor190_BP_Basics_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor189_BPGold_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor189_BPGold_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor189_BPGold_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Stor192_BP_Basics_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Stor192_BP_Basics_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Foley_dlux100__Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Foley_dlux100__Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Foley_dlux100__Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor001
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor002
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor003
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor004
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor005
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor006
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor010
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor016
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor022
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor025
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor026
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor027
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor028
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor029
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor030
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Trophy_Stor032
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Assassin_Leather
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Global_Trophy_Stor001
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Global_Trophy_Stor002
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Global_Trophy_Stor003
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Barbarian_Armor_stor155_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Barbarian_Armor_stor155_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Barbarian_Armor_stor155_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Barbarian_Armor_stor157_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Barbarian_Armor_stordlux100_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Barbarian_Armor_stordlux100_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Barbarian_Armor_stor177_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Barbarian_Armor_stor177_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Sorcerer_Armor_stor177_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base01_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base01_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base01_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base02_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base02_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base02_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base03_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base03_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base03_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base04_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base04_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base05_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base05_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base05_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base06_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base06_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base06_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base07_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base07_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base07_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base08_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base08_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base08_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base09_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base09_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base10_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base10_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base10_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base11_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base11_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base11_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base12_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base12_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base12_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base13_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base13_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Base13_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor170_BPSilver_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor170_BPSilver_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor170_BPSilver_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor171_BPGold_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor171_BPGold_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_stor171_BPGold_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Stor207_BP_Basics_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Stor207_BP_Basics_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted025_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted025_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted026_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted026_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted026_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted027_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted027_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted028_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted028_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted028_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted029_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted029_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted030_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted030_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted030_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted044_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted044_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted050_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted050_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted050_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted051_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted051_Helm
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted051_Legs
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted052_Torso
  • SoundTable/FOLY_HRO_Rogue_Armor_Crafted052_Helm
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