{ "Line1.7FA05": "La maza de Yorin está aquí. ¡Les dije que se marcharan!", "Line5.7FA05": "¿Qué motivos podría tener? Él no significa nada para ella...", "Line3.7FA05": "Debemos irnos. El camino a Astaroth es por aquí.", "Line1.7FA05.F": "La maza de Yorin está aquí. ¡Les dije que se marcharan!", "Line3.7FA05.F": "Debemos irnos. El camino a Astaroth es por aquí.", "Line5.7FA05.F": "¿Qué motivos podría tener? Él no significa nada para ella...", "Line7.BAE4.Bar.F": "Tal vez él y los caballeros intentaron detener a Lilith. ¿Es posible que lo haya llevado a alguna parte?", "Line7.BAE4.Bar.M": "Tal vez él y los caballeros intentaron detener a Lilith. ¿Es posible que lo haya llevado a alguna parte?", "Line7.BAE4.Dru.F": "Tal vez él y los caballeros intentaron detener a Lilith. ¿Es posible que lo haya llevado a alguna parte?", "Line7.BAE4.Dru.M": "Tal vez él y los caballeros intentaron detener a Lilith. ¿Es posible que lo haya llevado a alguna parte?", "Line7.BAE4.Nec.F": "Tal vez él y los caballeros intentaron detener a Lilith. ¿Es posible que lo haya llevado a alguna parte?", "Line7.BAE4.Nec.M": "Tal vez él y los caballeros intentaron detener a Lilith. ¿Es posible que lo haya llevado a alguna parte?", "Line7.BAE4.Rog.F": "Tal vez él y los caballeros intentaron detener a Lilith. ¿Es posible que lo haya llevado a alguna parte?", "Line7.BAE4.Rog.M": "Tal vez él y los caballeros intentaron detener a Lilith. ¿Es posible que lo haya llevado a alguna parte?", "Line7.BAE4.Sor.F": "Tal vez él y los caballeros intentaron detener a Lilith. ¿Es posible que lo haya llevado a alguna parte?", "Line7.BAE4.Sor.M": "Tal vez él y los caballeros intentaron detener a Lilith. ¿Es posible que lo haya llevado a alguna parte?" }
Audio /13
play content
Your ins and bases here. I told them to get out.
We need to move. The way to Astoroth is through here.
Maybe he and the knights try to stop Lilith. Could she have taken him somewhere?
Maybe he and the knights tried to stop Lilith. Could she have taken him somewhere?
Maybe he in the night tried to stop Lilith. Could she have taken him somewhere?
What...possible reason would she have? He means nothing to her.
Maybe he and the knights tried to stop Lilith. Could she have taken him somewhere?
Maybe he and the knights try to stop Lilith. Could she have taken him somewhere?
Maybe he and the knights tried to stop Lilith. Could she have taken him somewhere?
Maybe he and the knights tried to stop Lilith. Could she have taken him somewhere?
Maybe he and the knights tried to stop Lilith. Could she have taken him somewhere?
Maybe he and the Knights tried to stop Lilith. Could she have taken him somewhere?
Maybe he and the knights tried to stop Lilith. Could she have taken him somewhere?
References to this File
References to other File
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