Cull Desolate Highlands Bandits Quest /3
label | name |
id | Quest_Bounty_Culling_Tier1_Frac_TaigaS_Bandit |
Name | Cull Desolate Highlands Bandits |
Toast | The wilds of Sanctuary resound with the din of countless lesser beings. Thin their numbers so the Tree may find respite. |
Callback4HeaderCull Desolate Highlands Bandits Quest /3
label | name |
id | Quest_Bounty_Culling_Tier1_Frac_TaigaE_Bandit_Plusup |
Name | Cull Desolate Highlands Bandits |
Toast | The wilds of Sanctuary resound with the din of countless lesser beings. Thin their numbers so the Tree may find respite. |