{ "Name": "Where Credit is Due", "Toast": "Help a glory seeker find their place in history.", "Phase0Description": "The Iron Wolf asked me to meet them at an old shrine dedicated to Akarat.", "Callback8Header": "Travel to the Abandoned Shrine", "Phase11Description": "The Iron Wolf asked me to meet them at an old shrine dedicated to Akarat.", "Callback10Header": "Inspect the Abandoned Shrine", "Phase14Description": "It appears Akna was not who they said they were. Still, I made sure there was one less demon in the world.", "Phase19Description": "The Iron Wolf from the Kurast docks appeared out of nowhere... I should see what they have to say.", "Callback22Header": "Talk to Akna", "Phase20Description": "Akna wants me to give them the credit for the demon I am about to kill. I'm not sure how I should respond.", "Callback24Header": "Make your choice" }
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