References to other File
  • ShaderMap/prop_gsoft_hatred_dissolve
  • Texture/Hatred_Prop_Containers_Color
  • Texture/Hatred_Prop_Containers_Normal
  • Texture/Hatred_Prop_Containers_Mask
  • Texture/Hatred_Prop_Liquid_Normal
  • Texture/Hatred_Prop_Containers_Rough
  • Texture/Hatred_Prop_Containers_AO
  • Texture/Hatred_Prop_Containers_Emissive
  • Texture/Hatred_Prop_Tubes_FlowMap
  • MaterialValue/Env Emissive Multiplier
  • MaterialValue/Env Soft Alpha Power
  • MaterialValue/layered_tiling_1
  • MaterialValue/zSwitch UVsets UV Dissolve
  • MaterialValue/Env Soft Alpha Distance
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Power Emissive
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Slope Emissive
  • MaterialValue/vertAnim_speed
  • MaterialValue/Layer 1 - U Scale
  • MaterialValue/Layer 1 - V Scale
  • MaterialValue/Env Emissive Multiplier 2
  • MaterialValue/Dissolve Emissive Intensity
  • MaterialValue/Emissive Multiplier - Night
  • MaterialValue/Speed
  • MaterialValue/Emissive Multiplier - Day
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Double Sided
  • MaterialValue/Env Flicker Speed
  • MaterialValue/Env Flicker Speed 2
  • MaterialValue/Env Flicker Speed Final Mult
  • MaterialValue/Env Flicker Positional Offset Mult
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Dissolve Edge Color Gradient V
  • MaterialValue/Env Flip Direction
  • MaterialValue/Dissolve Animation Method
  • MaterialValue/Dissolve Edge Harshness
  • MaterialValue/Dissolve Edge Color Mode
  • MaterialValue/Use Dissolve Edge
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Texture Dissolve Contribution
  • MaterialValue/Enable Vertex Animation
  • MaterialValue/flowmap speed
  • MaterialValue/vertAnim_noise_bias
  • MaterialValue/Layer1 flow power
  • MaterialValue/Dissolve Directional Methods
  • MaterialValue/Dissolve Contribution
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Contribution Methods
  • MaterialValue/vertAnim_noise_ampl
  • MaterialValue/vertAnim_noise_frequency
  • MaterialValue/Emissive Color Contribution
  • MaterialValue/Env Flicker Contribution
  • MaterialValue/VertAnim Variety
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Color Gradient Factor
  • MaterialValue/Env Emissive Multiplier 2 Distance
  • MaterialValue/Env Flicker Distanced Speed Final Mult
  • MaterialValue/normalmap layer with a flowmap
  • MaterialValue/vertAnim_noise_ampl_distanced
  • MaterialValue/vertAnim_noise_ampl_proximity_distance
  • MaterialValue/vertAnim_noise_ampl_proximity
  • MaterialValue/emissive color
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Dissolve Edge Color
  • MaterialValue/emissive color 2
  • Surface/Stone
  • 1862979
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