{ "0_desc": "My investigations into the Triune cult point towards the fallen city of Guulrahn. I should meet Lorath there as soon as possible.", "1_desc": "We enter the blood-soaked streets of Guulrahn. Oyuun, a prisoner who holds secrets necessary to enter the palace, languishes in the depths of the city. We must brave the charnel alleys to reach the prison and rescue Oyuun.", "2_desc": "We head to the outskirts of Guulrahn to reunite with Oyuun and find a path into the palace.", "3_desc": "The gore-ridden sewers of Guulrahn hold a hidden path into the palace. Using Oyuun's details, we hunt for the secret passage into the palace undercroft. With the palace breached, Magnus is within reach." }
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/QuestChain/Step_Guulrahn.qc", "dwNextID": 4, "snoSubzone": "SubZone/Step_Basin", "unk_2feafdd": false, "unk_23523de": false, "eQuestChainType": 1, "arRequiredCompletedQuestChains": [ "QuestChain/Step_KedBardu_Debrief" ], "unk_97b742f": [], "uSubzoneOverrideEntranceGUID": 4294967295, "tMarkerHandle": { "nID": -1 }, "vecMarkerLocation": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, "tFlipLocationMarkerHandle": { "nID": -1 }, "vecFlipLocation": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, "arSteps": [ { "dwID": 0, "snoQuest": "Quest/QST_Step_Guulrahn_01" }, { "dwID": 1, "snoQuest": "Quest/QST_Step_Guulrahn_02" }, { "dwID": 2, "snoQuest": "Quest/QST_Step_Guulrahn_03" }, { "dwID": 3, "snoQuest": "Quest/QST_Step_Guulrahn_04" } ], "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] } }