{ "0_desc": "We have discovered the location of Elias's dark ritual: an ancient Triune temple hidden deep within the volcanic Mt. Civo. I must meet Lorath at it's base.", "1_desc": "I have gained the three blessings needed to enter the Triune's Temple hidden with Mt. Civo. Somewhere deep in its passageways, a powerful ritual is being prepared. We must do all we can to stop this ritual before it is completed.", "2_desc": "I should speak with Lorath and this mysterious woman." }
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/QuestChain/Step_Volcano.qc", "dwNextID": 4, "snoSubzone": "SubZone/Step_Volcano", "unk_2feafdd": true, "unk_23523de": false, "eQuestChainType": 1, "arRequiredCompletedQuestChains": [ "QuestChain/Step_Guulrahn" ], "unk_97b742f": [ "SubZone/Step_Basin" ], "uSubzoneOverrideEntranceGUID": 4294967295, "tMarkerHandle": { "nID": -1 }, "vecMarkerLocation": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, "tFlipLocationMarkerHandle": { "nID": -1 }, "vecFlipLocation": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, "arSteps": [ { "dwID": 0, "snoQuest": "Quest/QST_Step_Volcano_01" }, { "dwID": 1, "snoQuest": "Quest/QST_Step_Volcano_02" }, { "dwID": 2, "snoQuest": "Quest/QST_Step_Volcano_03" } ], "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] } }