{ "0_desc": "The dreams continue to haunt me. My search for answers leads now to the Fractured Peaks, where a wise man from a forgotten order is rumored to live as a hermit. If he cannot rid me of these visions, perhaps he can help me to understand them.", "1_desc": "I agreed to search the broken tower north of Nevesk. If whatever lurks within is connected to my visions, then I must face it.", "2_desc": "The broken tower brought me no answers--only more questions. At least tidings of the demon's defeat should set the villagers at ease.", "3_desc": "The villagers betrayed me. My reward for slaying the demon was a poisoned cup and a cold, stone table upon which to be sacrificed. With the help of the old monk, I fight my way to freedom.", "4_desc": "The monk rescued me from the villagers who hours ago seemed harmless - even kind. He told me they gathered at the nearby chapel to pray for salvation from evil. I must follow this thread to the end.", "5_desc": "I told the monk of the horned woman I saw in the chapel. His eyes grew wide with fear, but told me little. He instructed me to find a hermit living in the hills to the east and bring him to the Cathedral of Light for questioning. I will find this hermit. I must have answers.", "6_desc": "Lorath Nahr, the hermit in the hills, has agreed to come with me to the city of Kyovashad and speak to the Cathedral of Light." }
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