{ "Name": "The Scouring of Caldeum", "Toast": "Assist the Knights Penitent in Caldeum", "Phase37Description": "To increase our chances against the demonic horde, we must join Prava and her Knights Penitent and fight our way through the city to reach Caldeum's palace.", "Callback36Header": "Tell Prava you are ready", "Phase40Description": "To increase our chances against the demonic horde, we must join Prava and her Knights Penitent and fight our way through the city to reach Caldeum's palace.", "Callback39Header": "Rejoin your allies", "Phase43Description": "To increase our chances against the demonic horde we must join Prava and her Knights Penitent and fight our way through the city to reach Caldeum palace.", "Phase49Description": "To increase our chances against the demonic horde, we must join Prava and her Knights Penitent and fight our way through the city to reach Caldeum's palace.", "Callback48Header": "Slay the Demon Commander", "Phase83Description": "To increase our chances against the demonic horde, we must join Prava and her Knights Penitent and fight our way through the city to reach Caldeum's palace.", "Phase93Description": "To increase our chances against the demonic horde, we must join Prava and her Knights Penitent and fight our way through the city to reach Caldeum's palace.", "Phase100Description": "To increase our chances against the demonic horde, we must join Prava and her Knights Penitent and fight our way through the city to reach Caldeum's palace.", "Callback99Header": "Open the gate", "Phase103Description": "To increase our chances against the demonic horde, we must join Prava and her Knights Penitent and fight our way through the city to reach Caldeum's palace.", "Phase115Description": "To increase our chances against the demonic horde, we must join Prava and her Knights Penitent and fight our way through the city to reach Caldeum's palace.", "Callback114Header": "Investigate the large rooftop", "Callback146Header": "Speak with Lorath", "Callback176Header": "Escort your allies through Caldeum", "BreadcrumbHeader": "Search for Lilith in Caldeum", "BreadcrumbDescription": "Battle rages on in Caldeum, between the forces of Knights Penitent and Lilith's demonic hordes. We must assist Prava to push through the demon-infested streets, and make way towards the Gate to the Burning Hells located beneath the Imperial Palace.", "Phase37OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Caldeum: Tell Prava that you are ready", "Phase40OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Rejoin your allies in Caldeum", "Phase49OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Slay the Demon Commander", "Phase83OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Help defend your allies against the demons in Caldeum", "Phase93OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Escort your allies through Caldeum", "Phase100OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Open the gate in Caldeum", "Phase115OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Investigate the large rooftop in Caldeum", "Phase147OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Speak with Lorath in Caldeum", "Phase43OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Escort your allies through Caldeum", "Callback85Header": "Help defend your allies against the demons", "Callback208Header": "Defeat the demons attacking from the rooftops", "Phase147Description": "To increase our chances against the demonic horde, we must join Prava and her Knights Penitent and fight our way through the city to reach Caldeum's palace.", "Phase209Description": "To increase our chances against the demonic horde, we must join Prava and her Knights Penitent and fight our way through the city to reach Caldeum's palace.", "Callback187Header": "Escort your allies through Caldeum", "Phase209OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Defeat the demons attacking from the rooftops in Caldeum" }
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