"Name": "Left in Ashes",
"Toast": "Scholar Yuein seeks the spirit of his late apprentice.",
"Callback126Header": "Slay Éadaoin's Spirit",
"Phase127Description": "Éadaoin's spirit has been banished and put to rest. I should return to Túr Dúlra and tell Yuein my findings.",
"Callback129Header": "Return to Scholar Yuein",
"Phase114Description": "Scholar Yuein's previous apprentice died during the Astaroth attacks. He has sensed her spirit in the Deepwood, unable to pass on. He wishes for me to find her.",
"Callback116Header": "Search for Éadaoin's spirit",
"Phase144Description": "I found the spot where Éadaoin perished. Investigating the remains may reveal what befell the young druid.",
"Callback143Header": "Investigate Éadaoin's remains"
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