Chipped Skull


Cooldown: 1 Seconds
  • Weapons: +0.1 Life On Kill
  • Armor: +4% Healing Received
  • Jewelry: +[40] Armor
  • Can be inserted into equipment with sockets.
    Requires Level 10
    Fragments of a fallen child. You monster.
    Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Rogue, Sorcerer, Spiritborn
    Information /2
    name desc
    Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
    Max Stack Size50
    Recipe /1
    { "Name": "Chipped Skull", "Flavor": "Fragments of a fallen child. You monster." }
    References to other File
  • Actor/Gem_Skull_02
  • ItemType/Gem
  • TreasureClass/1627300
  • 632885
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