Cleansing Acid - Ferocity

Seasonal Consumable

Removes two{icon:Vampire_Pact_Red_Icon, 2.3}Pacts of Ferocity from a piece of armor.
Information /2
name desc
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
Max Stack Size999
Recipe /1
Removes two{icon:Vampire_Pact_Red_Icon, 2.3}Pacts of Ferocity from a piece of armor.
  • 1 Cleansing Acid - All
  • 1 Reddamine
  • 1000 Gold
  • stl
    { "Name": "Cleansing Acid - Ferocity", "Description": "Removes two{icon:Vampire_Pact_Red_Icon, 2.3}Pacts of Ferocity from a piece of armor." }
    { "__fileName__": "base/meta/Item/S02_PactScroll_RemoveFerocity.itm", "snoActor": "Actor/S02_Flippy_CleansingAcid_Ferocity", "snoItemType": "ItemType/InInventoryCrafter", "eMagicType": 0, "dwFlags": 1077250, "ptInitialDyes": [], "eComponentStyleType": 0, "dwComponentStyle": 0, "nMaxStackSize": 999, "nBaseCostCurrency": 10, "unk_11efbc0": 1, "eCurrencyType": 0, "nSellCostOverride": 0, "unk_def75bc": false, "nExplicitRequiredLevel": 0, "ePreferredZone": -1, "nFixedIPowerLevel": 0, "eForcedItemQualityModifier": 0, "unk_8789165": false, "ptAttributes": [], "nForcedMaxAffixCount": -1, "arInherentAffixes": [], "arForcedAffixes": [], "fUsableByClass": [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "ptSocketedEffects": [], "snoRecipe": "Recipe/S02_Recipe_RemoveRedPact", "arReputation": [], "tInvImages": [ { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 } ], "unk_75d565b": 0, "fMustKeepInInventory": false, "eItemUseType": 79, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [ "Season/Season02" ] }, "bSeasonItem": false, "szItemUseCursor": "cursor_remove_pact", "snoItemUseActivationSound": "Sound/Play_UI_Crafting_Pact_Cursor_In_Inventory", "snoItemUseCraftSound": "Sound/Play_UI_Crafting_Pact_Remove_In_Inventory", "unk_d1d6a7f": { "snoStringList": "StringList/Seasonal_Vampire_UI", "szLabel": 552717731 }, "unk_d085fd9": false, "unk_b30b3df": { "hImageHandle": 3360981970 }, "unk_cbbccc1": 10, "unk_9b60982": 15, "eDisplayedQualityLevel": -1, "bIsTransmog": false }