Deathless Visage

Unique Helm
925 Item Power

1,156 Armor
  • [3.1 – 7.3]% Damage Reduction
  • +[10.5 – 17.5]% Physical Damage
  • +[14 – 21]% Bone Critical Strike Damage
  • +[[5 – 13]] Maximum Essence
  • Bone Spear leaves behind echoes as it travels that explode, dealing [3700 * (1 + 0) * [0.5 – 0.7]] damage, increased by 5% for every 30% of your Critical Strike Damage Bonus.

    Current Bonus: [Floor((Owner.(ComputeCritDamageScalar() + (-1)) + Owner.Crit_Damage_Percent) / (30 / 100)) * 5|x%||1|](Necromancer Only)
  • "Rathma is endless. He was the first Ancient, and will remain at the end. He is the master of the Great Cycle of Being. When Death comes for him, why should he fear it?"
    - Vauntus, Acolyte of Rathma
    Information /1
    name desc
    Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
    [3.1 – 7.3]% Damage Reduction
    Item Power
    150[0.01 – 0.025]
    340[0.012 – 0.03]
    460[0.02 – 0.041]
    625[0.021 – 0.051]
    780[0.031 – 0.073]
    +[10.5 – 17.5]% Physical Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.03 – 0.055]
    340[0.045 – 0.075]
    460[0.065 – 0.1]
    625[0.075 – 0.125]
    780[0.105 – 0.175]
    +[14 – 21]% Bone Critical Strike Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.015 – 0.03]
    150[0.045 – 0.07]
    340[0.06 – 0.09]
    460[0.085 – 0.12]
    625[0.1 – 0.15]
    780[0.14 – 0.21]
    +[[5 – 13]] Maximum Essence
    Item Power
    0[3 – 5]
    150[3 – 6]
    340[4 – 8]
    460[4 – 9]
    625[5 – 11]
    780[5 – 13]
    { "Name": "Deathless Visage", "Flavor": "\"Rathma is endless. He was the first Ancient, and will remain at the end. He is the master of the Great Cycle of Being. When Death comes for him, why should he fear it?\"\r\n- Vauntus, Acolyte of Rathma" }
    { "__fileName__": "base/meta/Item/Helm_Unique_Necro_100.itm", "snoActor": "Actor/HLM_sets56", "snoItemType": "ItemType/Helm", "eMagicType": 2, "dwFlags": 29828, "ptInitialDyes": [], "eComponentStyleType": 1, "dwComponentStyle": 56, "nMaxStackSize": 0, "nBaseCostCurrency": 30, "unk_11efbc0": 1, "eCurrencyType": 0, "nSellCostOverride": 0, "unk_def75bc": false, "nExplicitRequiredLevel": 0, "ePreferredZone": -1, "nFixedIPowerLevel": 0, "eForcedItemQualityModifier": 0, "unk_8789165": false, "ptAttributes": [], "nForcedMaxAffixCount": -1, "arInherentAffixes": [], "arForcedAffixes": [ "Affix/Helm_Unique_Necro_100", "Affix/DamageReduction", "Affix/Damage_Type_Bonus_Physical", "Affix/CritDamage_With_Bone", "Affix/Resource_MaxEssence" ], "fUsableByClass": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "ptSocketedEffects": [], "arReputation": [], "tInvImages": [ { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 1940072207, "hFemaleImage": 1931770760 } ], "unk_75d565b": 0, "fMustKeepInInventory": false, "eItemUseType": 0, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] }, "bSeasonItem": false, "szItemUseCursor": "", "unk_d1d6a7f": { "szLabel": 0 }, "unk_d085fd9": false, "unk_b30b3df": { "hImageHandle": 0 }, "unk_cbbccc1": 0, "unk_9b60982": 0, "eDisplayedQualityLevel": -1, "bIsTransmog": false }