Collect all Legendary Aspects in Dry Steppes by completing Dungeons or Salvaging Legendaries.
Aspect of Volatile ShadowsAspect of Potent BloodAspect of Bursting BonesShepherd's AspectRapid AspectAspect of the UmbralAspect of the Iron WarriorAspect of Perpetual StompingAspect of MightAspect of Biting ColdCalm Breeze AspectTrickster's AspectSplintering AspectAspect of the Bounding ConduitAspect of Berserk RippingStorm Swell AspectElementalist's AspectAspect of Mending StoneAspect of RetaliationRavenous AspectAspect of Unstable ImbuementsReward: Dry, Dungeoneer