Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Rocks surround you for 3 seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs [0.45 * 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]*100% of your Maximum Life ({shield:BUFF_SHIELD}) in damage.
Rank Up:
Barrier Amount [0.45 * 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]*100%
- Enhanced Earthen Bulwark: Earthen Bulwark makes you Unstoppable while active.
- Innate Earthen Bulwark: Rock shrapnel flies outward when Earthen Bulwark is destroyed or expires, dealing *100% to surrounding enemies. This damage is increased by Barrier bonuses.
- Preserving Earthen Bulwark: Casting Earthen Bulwark grants 18% of your Maximum Life (Max(1,0.18)) as Fortify.
Affix /3
Unique Mace
800 Item Power
1,838 Damage Per Second
- [1,337 – 2,005] Damage per Hit
- 1.10 Attacks per Second (Fast)
Current Bonus: [Floor(Owner.Willpower_Total / 100) * 50|x%|](Druid Only)
"This weapon is a reminder of the unbridled savagery of our druidic ancestors, the wisdom of which I see more clearly with every day that passes."
- Moreg, Druidic Scholar
- Moreg, Druidic Scholar
Druid, Defensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Druid, Defensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Info /32
name | desc |
SF_0 | 16 |
SF_1 | 0.45 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4] |
SF_2 | 0.6 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4] |
SF_3 | (3 + Affix_Value_2#legendary_druid_026)*1 + Power_Duration_Bonus_Pct#Druid_EarthenBulwark |
SF_4 | 30 |
SF_7 | Affix_Flat_Value_1#legendary_druid_026 |
SF_8 | Affix_Value_2#legendary_druid_026 |
SF_10 | 0.18 |
SF_11 | 2.5 |
SF_12 | Mod.Unstoppable |
SF_13 | PowerTag.SystemsTuningGlobals."Script Formula 1" |
SF_14 | Affix_Value_1#1HMace_Unique_Druid_001 * (Weapon_Damage_Min_Total + Weapon_Damage_Delta_Total) |
SF_15 | Affix.1HMace_Unique_Druid_001."Static Value 0" |
SF_16 | Affix.1HMace_Unique_Druid_001."Static Value 1" / 100 |
SF_17 | PlayerHealthMax() |
SF_18 | 1 + Power_Duration_Bonus_Pct#Druid_EarthenBulwark |
name | Earthen Bulwark |
desc | Cooldown: {Cooldown Time} seconds Lucky Hit Chance: [{Combat Effect Chance}|%|] Rocks surround you for {buffduration:BUFF_SHIELD} seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs [{SF_1}*100|%|] of your Maximum Life ({shield:BUFF_SHIELD}) in damage. |
simple_desc | Defensive Skill: Rocks surround you, granting an explosive shield. |
rankup_desc | Barrier Amount [{SF_1}*100|%|] |
Mod1_Description | Earthen Bulwark makes you Unstoppable while active. |
Mod1_Name | Enhanced Earthen Bulwark |
Mod0_Description | Rock shrapnel flies outward when Earthen Bulwark is destroyed or expires, dealing {payload:DAMAGE} to surrounding enemies. This damage is increased by Barrier bonuses. |
Mod0_Name | Innate Earthen Bulwark |
Mod2_Description | Casting Earthen Bulwark grants [{SF_10}*100|%|] of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,{fortified:MOD_FORTIFY})|0|]) as Fortify. |
Mod2_Name | Preserving Earthen Bulwark |
{buffduration:BUFF_SHIELD} | (3 + Affix_Value_2#legendary_druid_026)*1 + Power_Duration_Bonus_Pct#Druid_EarthenBulwark |
{payload:DAMAGE} | 0.6 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]*100% |
{fortified:MOD_FORTIFY} | 0.18 |
{Combat Effect Chance} | 30 |
{Cooldown Time} | 0 |
{Recharge Time} | 16 |