Elixir of Sacrifice

Rare Elixir

For the next {s1} minutes:
Every 10 seconds, your next Core Skill heals you and Nearby allies for 10% of their max Health.
Restore an additional 5% max Health for each Nearby ally, up to 25%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Rogue, Sorcerer, Spiritborn
Information /2
name desc
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
Max Stack Size99
Recipe /1
For the next {s1} minutes:
Every 10 seconds, your next Core Skill heals you and Nearby allies for 10% of their max Health.
Restore an additional 5% max Health for each Nearby ally, up to 25%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
  • 200 Citadel Coin