Charges: 3
Charge Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 10%
Summon a familiar matching the element of your last cast Skill for 8 seconds. It seeks enemies and periodically explodes, dealing 40% of its element's damage.

You may have up to [6] Familiars active at a time.
Rank Up:
Damage 40%

  • Enhanced Familiar: Familiars apply effects around them every 0.5 seconds according to their Element:
    Fire: Applies 40% Burning damage over 4 seconds to enemies.
    Cold: Applies 15% Chill to enemies.
    Lightning: Stuns enemies for [1] second.
  • Summoned Familiar: Your Familiars' elements now follow a set cycle through Fire, Cold, and Lightning when you cast any Skill.

    While you have at least two different element Familiars active, you gain +3% Damage Reduction.
  • Invoked Familiar: While you have an active Familiar, you deal x10% increased damage of its type.

Enchantment Effect: Each time you summon a non-Familiar Conjuration, you have a [0 * 100|%|] chance to spawn a Familiar of the same element.
Affix /1
Unique Gloves
800 Item Power

400 Armor
  • +[57 – 75]% Non-Physical Damage
  • +[18.5 – 27.5]% Chance for [0.185 – 0.275] to Hit Twice
  • +[41.5 – 55]% Familiar Size
  • +[7.5 – 8.5] to Familiar
  • Casting Familiar now summons all three elemental variants at once.

    Familiar's duration is increased by x[25 – 50]% and its Cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds, but its maximum Charges are reduced by 1.(Sorcerer Only)
  • "While known for their proclivity for mischief, the Sidhe, as the Druids call them, are fiercely loyal and will defend all they consider friend..."  - Sarnakyle
    Info /41
    name desc
    SF_08 * (1 + Affix_Value_1#x1_unique_sorc_143/100)
    SF_10.4 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]
    SF_212 - (AffixIsEquipped(SNO.Affix.x1_unique_sorc_143) ? 1 : 0 * 2)
    SF_33 - AffixIsEquipped(SNO.Affix.x1_unique_sorc_143) ? 1 : 0
    SF_41.7 * 1 + AoE_Size_Bonus_Per_Power#X1_Sorcerer_Familiar
    SF_70.4 / 4
    SF_11Mod."UpgradeB" ? 0.1 : 0
    SF_131 + AoE_Size_Bonus_Per_Power#X1_Sorcerer_Familiar
    SF_14Mod."UpgradeA" ? 1 : 0
    SF_17AffixIsEquipped(SNO.Affix.x1_unique_sorc_143) ? 1 : 0
    descCharges: {SF_3}
    Charge Cooldown: {Recharge Time} seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: [{Combat Effect Chance}|%|]
    Summon a familiar matching the element of your last cast Skill for {buffduration:DURATION_TRACKER} seconds. It seeks enemies and periodically explodes, dealing {payload:DAMAGE_TOOLTIP} of its element's damage.

    You may have up to [SF_15] Familiars active at a time.
    rankup_desc Damage {payload:DAMAGE_TOOLTIP}
    Buff30_NameDamage Reduction
    Buff30_DescriptionFamiliar Damage Reduction
    Buff41_NameDamage Increase
    Buff41_DescriptionIncrease elemental damage by Familiar type.
    Mod0_DescriptionFamiliars apply effects around them every [{SF_19}|1|] seconds according to their Element:
    Fire: Applies {DOT:BURNING} Burning damage over {SF_6} seconds to enemies.
    Cold: Applies [SF_8|%|] Chill to enemies.
    Lightning: Stuns enemies for [SF_9] second.
    Mod0_NameEnhanced Familiar
    Mod1_DescriptionYour Familiars' elements now follow a set cycle through Fire, Cold, and Lightning when you cast any Skill.

    While you have at least two different element Familiars active, you gain [SF_10*100|+%|] Damage Reduction.
    Mod1_NameSummoned Familiar
    Mod2_DescriptionWhile you have an active Familiar, you deal [SF_12*100|x%|] increased damage of its type.
    Mod2_NameInvoked Familiar
    {buffduration:DURATION_TRACKER}8 * (1 + Affix_Value_1#x1_unique_sorc_143/100)
    {DOT:BURNING}[4*0.4 / 4]*100%
    {payload:DAMAGE_TOOLTIP}0.4 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]*100%
    {Combat Effect Chance}10
    {Cooldown Time}12
    {Recharge Time}0