Parting Embers Quest /5
label name
NameParting Embers
ToastMeet with Yorin in Braestaig
BreadcrumbHeaderMeet with Yorin in Braestaig
BreadcrumbDescriptionAiridah could not be reasoned with and had to be stopped. Now Scosglen has lost one of its greatest druids and a hero of old. I should return to Yorin in Braestaig.


  • Airidah could not be reasoned with and had to be stopped. Now Scosglen has lost one of its greatest druids and a hero of old. I should return to Yorin in Braestaig.
  • Phase46OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Speak with Yorin in Braestaig
  • Phase61

  • Speak with Yorin in Braestaig
  • stl
    { "Name": "Parting Embers", "Toast": "Meet with Yorin in Braestaig", "BreadcrumbHeader": "Meet with Yorin in Braestaig", "BreadcrumbDescription": "Airidah could not be reasoned with and had to be stopped. Now Scosglen has lost one of its greatest druids and a hero of old. I should return to Yorin in Braestaig.", "Phase46Description": "Airidah could not be reasoned with and had to be stopped. Now Scosglen has lost one of its greatest druids and a hero of old. I should return to Yorin in Braestaig.", "Phase46OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Speak with Yorin in Braestaig", "Callback61Header": "Speak with Yorin in Braestaig" }
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