Item /42
Legendary Polearm
925 Item Power

3,677 Damage Per Second
  • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
  • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    Legendary Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    Legendary Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    Magic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    Rare Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    Rare Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Once a weapon of zealous fury, then one of righteous vengeance. Its former owner may walk the path of true redemption, but this polearm is stained with blood that will never wash off.
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Druid, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Druid, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    Cosmetic Polearm
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    Polearm Core Affix
    +[76 – 90] Strength
    Item Power
    0[14 – 16]
    150[23 – 28]
    340[32 – 38]
    460[43 – 50]
    625[60 – 70]
    780[76 – 90]
    +[28 – 42] All Stats
    Item Power
    0[6 – 8]
    150[9 – 14]
    340[13 – 19]
    460[18 – 25]
    625[24 – 34]
    780[28 – 42]
    +[40 – 50]% Critical Strike Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.2 – 0.3]
    625[0.3 – 0.4]
    780[0.4 – 0.5]
    +[20 – 30]% Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.1 – 0.15]
    625[0.15 – 0.2]
    780[0.2 – 0.3]
    +[50 – 60]% Basic Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.3 – 0.4]
    625[0.4 – 0.5]
    780[0.5 – 0.6]
    +[30 – 40]% Core Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.15 – 0.25]
    625[0.2 – 0.3]
    780[0.3 – 0.4]
    +[50 – 60]% Damage Over Time
    Item Power
    0[0.3 – 0.4]
    625[0.4 – 0.5]
    780[0.5 – 0.6]
    +[30 – 40]% Vulnerable Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.15 – 0.25]
    625[0.2 – 0.3]
    780[0.3 – 0.4]
    +[638.21] Maximum Life
    Item Power
    0[0.04 – 0.078]
    460[0.059 – 0.098]
    625[0.078 – 0.116]
    680[0.098 – 0.135]
    730[0.116 – 0.154]
    780[0.135 – 0.172]
    820[0.154 – 0.19]
    855[0.172 – 0.226]
    890[0.19 – 0.26]
    +[[839.75 – 1780.27]] Life On Hit
    Item Power
    0[0.055 – 0.095]
    150[0.105 – 0.205]
    340[0.145 – 0.265]
    460[0.2 – 0.34]
    625[0.21 – 0.41]
    780[0.25 – 0.53]
    Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Restore +[7 – 14]% Primary Resource
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.02 – 0.045]
    340[0.03 – 0.06]
    460[0.045 – 0.08]
    625[0.05 – 0.1]
    780[0.07 – 0.14]
    +[[50 – 60]}|1%|] Overpower Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.3 – 0.4]
    625[0.4 – 0.5]
    780[0.5 – 0.6]
    [5 – 7]% Resource Cost Reduction
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    460[0.015 – 0.025]
    625[0.015 – 0.025]
    680[0.025 – 0.035]
    730[0.03 – 0.04]
    780[0.035 – 0.045]
    820[0.04 – 0.05]
    855[0.045 – 0.061]
    890[0.05 – 0.07]
    +[1 – 2] Fury On Kill
    Item Power
    780[1 – 2]
    Polearm Affix
    +[7 – 14]% Damage while Berserking is Active
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.02 – 0.045]
    340[0.03 – 0.06]
    460[0.045 – 0.08]
    625[0.05 – 0.1]
    780[0.07 – 0.14]
    +[38 – 52] Strength
    Item Power
    0[8 – 10]
    150[12 – 17]
    340[20 – 26]
    460[24 – 31]
    625[32 – 42]
    780[38 – 52]
    +[20 – 28] All Stats
    Item Power
    0[5 – 6]
    150[6 – 8]
    340[8 – 11]
    460[13 – 17]
    625[16 – 22]
    780[20 – 28]
    +[14 – 21]% Critical Strike Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.015 – 0.03]
    150[0.045 – 0.07]
    340[0.06 – 0.09]
    460[0.085 – 0.12]
    625[0.1 – 0.15]
    780[0.14 – 0.21]
    +[18.5 – 39.5]% Basic Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.035 – 0.065]
    150[0.065 – 0.14]
    340[0.095 – 0.185]
    460[0.135 – 0.24]
    625[0.145 – 0.295]
    780[0.185 – 0.395]
    +[12.5 – 19.5]% Core Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.035 – 0.06]
    340[0.055 – 0.085]
    460[0.075 – 0.11]
    625[0.09 – 0.14]
    780[0.125 – 0.195]
    +[14 – 21]% Ultimate Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.015 – 0.03]
    150[0.045 – 0.07]
    340[0.06 – 0.09]
    460[0.085 – 0.12]
    625[0.1 – 0.15]
    780[0.14 – 0.21]
    +[7 – 14]% Damage Over Time
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.02 – 0.045]
    340[0.03 – 0.06]
    460[0.045 – 0.08]
    625[0.05 – 0.1]
    780[0.07 – 0.14]
    +[7 – 14]% Damage to Bleeding Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.02 – 0.045]
    340[0.03 – 0.06]
    460[0.045 – 0.08]
    625[0.05 – 0.1]
    780[0.07 – 0.14]
    +[5 – 12]% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.015]
    150[0.015 – 0.035]
    340[0.02 – 0.05]
    460[0.03 – 0.065]
    625[0.035 – 0.085]
    780[0.05 – 0.12]
    +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Elites
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.035]
    150[0.05 – 0.075]
    340[0.07 – 0.1]
    460[0.095 – 0.135]
    625[0.115 – 0.165]
    780[0.165 – 0.235]
    +[21 – 35]% Damage to Healthy Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.05]
    150[0.065 – 0.115]
    340[0.09 – 0.15]
    460[0.13 – 0.2]
    625[0.15 – 0.25]
    780[0.21 – 0.35]
    +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Burning Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.035]
    150[0.05 – 0.075]
    340[0.07 – 0.1]
    460[0.095 – 0.135]
    625[0.115 – 0.165]
    780[0.165 – 0.235]
    +[21 – 35]% Damage to Injured Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.05]
    150[0.065 – 0.115]
    340[0.09 – 0.15]
    460[0.13 – 0.2]
    625[0.15 – 0.25]
    780[0.21 – 0.35]
    +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Close Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.035]
    150[0.05 – 0.075]
    340[0.07 – 0.1]
    460[0.095 – 0.135]
    625[0.115 – 0.165]
    780[0.165 – 0.235]
    +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Bleeding Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.035]
    150[0.05 – 0.075]
    340[0.07 – 0.1]
    460[0.095 – 0.135]
    625[0.115 – 0.165]
    780[0.165 – 0.235]
    +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Stun Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.035]
    150[0.05 – 0.075]
    340[0.07 – 0.1]
    460[0.095 – 0.135]
    625[0.115 – 0.165]
    780[0.165 – 0.235]
    +[12.5 – 19.5]% Vulnerable Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.035 – 0.06]
    340[0.055 – 0.085]
    460[0.075 – 0.11]
    625[0.09 – 0.14]
    780[0.125 – 0.195]
    Lucky Hit: Up to a +[4.4 – 10]% Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites
    Item Power
    0[2 – 2]
    150[5 – 10]
    340[10 – 21]
    460[20 – 38]
    625[27 – 59]
    780[41 – 93]
    [21 – 42]% Gem Strength in this Item
    Item Power
    0[0.015 – 0.06]
    150[0.06 – 0.135]
    340[0.09 – 0.18]
    460[0.135 – 0.24]
    625[0.15 – 0.3]
    780[0.21 – 0.42]
    +17.5% Critical Strike Damage
    Item Power
    +17.5% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
    Item Power
    +28% Damage to Healthy Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.035 – 0.05]
    +28% Damage to Injured Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.035 – 0.05]
    +16% Vulnerable Damage
    Item Power
    +52.5}% Overpower Damage
    Item Power
    Lucky Hit: Up to a +[9.5 – 16.5]% Chance to Daze for 2 Seconds
    Item Power
    0[0.015 – 0.025]
    150[0.03 – 0.055]
    340[0.04 – 0.07]
    460[0.06 – 0.095]
    625[0.07 – 0.12]
    780[0.095 – 0.165]
    Lucky Hit: Up to a +[9.5 – 16.5]% Chance to Immobilize for 2 Seconds
    Item Power
    0[0.015 – 0.025]
    150[0.03 – 0.055]
    340[0.04 – 0.07]
    460[0.06 – 0.095]
    625[0.07 – 0.12]
    780[0.095 – 0.165]
    Lucky Hit: Up to a +[7 – 14]% Chance to Stun for 2 Seconds
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.02 – 0.045]
    340[0.03 – 0.06]
    460[0.045 – 0.08]
    625[0.05 – 0.1]
    780[0.07 – 0.14]
    +[[42 – 63]}|1%|] Overpower Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.045 – 0.09]
    150[0.13 – 0.205]
    340[0.18 – 0.27]
    460[0.255 – 0.36]
    625[0.3 – 0.45]
    780[0.42 – 0.63]
    +[76 – 90] Strength
    Item Power
    0[14 – 16]
    150[23 – 28]
    340[32 – 38]
    460[43 – 50]
    625[60 – 70]
    780[76 – 90]
    +[28 – 42] All Stats
    Item Power
    0[6 – 8]
    150[9 – 14]
    340[13 – 19]
    460[18 – 25]
    625[24 – 34]
    780[28 – 42]
    +[40 – 50]% Critical Strike Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.2 – 0.3]
    625[0.3 – 0.4]
    780[0.4 – 0.5]
    +[20 – 30]% Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.1 – 0.15]
    625[0.15 – 0.2]
    780[0.2 – 0.3]
    +[50 – 60]% Basic Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.3 – 0.4]
    625[0.4 – 0.5]
    780[0.5 – 0.6]
    +[30 – 40]% Core Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.15 – 0.25]
    625[0.2 – 0.3]
    780[0.3 – 0.4]
    +[50 – 60]% Damage Over Time
    Item Power
    0[0.3 – 0.4]
    625[0.4 – 0.5]
    780[0.5 – 0.6]
    +[30 – 40]% Vulnerable Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.15 – 0.25]
    625[0.2 – 0.3]
    780[0.3 – 0.4]
    +[638.21] Maximum Life
    Item Power
    0[0.04 – 0.078]
    460[0.059 – 0.098]
    625[0.078 – 0.116]
    680[0.098 – 0.135]
    730[0.116 – 0.154]
    780[0.135 – 0.172]
    820[0.154 – 0.19]
    855[0.172 – 0.226]
    890[0.19 – 0.26]
    +[[839.75 – 1780.27]] Life On Hit
    Item Power
    0[0.055 – 0.095]
    150[0.105 – 0.205]
    340[0.145 – 0.265]
    460[0.2 – 0.34]
    625[0.21 – 0.41]
    780[0.25 – 0.53]
    Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Restore +[7 – 14]% Primary Resource
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.02 – 0.045]
    340[0.03 – 0.06]
    460[0.045 – 0.08]
    625[0.05 – 0.1]
    780[0.07 – 0.14]
    +[[50 – 60]}|1%|] Overpower Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.3 – 0.4]
    625[0.4 – 0.5]
    780[0.5 – 0.6]
    [5 – 7]% Resource Cost Reduction
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    460[0.015 – 0.025]
    625[0.015 – 0.025]
    680[0.025 – 0.035]
    730[0.03 – 0.04]
    780[0.035 – 0.045]
    820[0.04 – 0.05]
    855[0.045 – 0.061]
    890[0.05 – 0.07]
    +[1 – 2] Fury On Kill
    Item Power
    780[1 – 2]
    +[2 – 3] to Flay
    Item Power
    340[1.4 – 2]
    780[2 – 3]
    +[2 – 3] to Lunging Strike
    Item Power
    340[1.4 – 2]
    780[2 – 3]


    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    Information /1
    name desc
    Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
    +28% Damage to Injured Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.035 – 0.05]
    { "Name": "Polearm" }
    { "__fileName__": "base/meta/Item/2HPolearm_Any_Barb_001_Gambling.itm", "snoActor": "Actor/twoHandPolearm_base01", "snoItemType": "ItemType/Polearm", "eMagicType": 0, "dwFlags": 2125826, "ptInitialDyes": [], "eComponentStyleType": 0, "dwComponentStyle": 0, "nMaxStackSize": 0, "nBaseCostCurrency": 75, "unk_11efbc0": 1, "eCurrencyType": 3, "nSellCostOverride": 0, "unk_def75bc": false, "nExplicitRequiredLevel": 0, "ePreferredZone": -1, "snoRandomItemTreasureClass": "TreasureClass/616626", "nFixedIPowerLevel": 0, "eForcedItemQualityModifier": 0, "unk_8789165": false, "ptAttributes": [], "nForcedMaxAffixCount": -1, "arInherentAffixes": [ "Affix/INHERENT_Damage_to_LowLife" ], "arForcedAffixes": [], "fUsableByClass": [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "ptSocketedEffects": [], "arReputation": [], "tInvImages": [ { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 } ], "unk_75d565b": 0, "fMustKeepInInventory": false, "eItemUseType": 0, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] }, "bSeasonItem": false, "szItemUseCursor": "", "unk_d1d6a7f": { "szLabel": 0 }, "unk_d085fd9": false, "unk_b30b3df": { "hImageHandle": 0 }, "unk_cbbccc1": 0, "unk_9b60982": 0, "eDisplayedQualityLevel": -1, "bIsTransmog": false }


    925 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [3,268 – 4,902] Damage per Hit
    • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +56% Damage to Injured Enemies

  • Barbarian
    Information /1
    name desc
    Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
    +28% Damage to Injured Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.035 – 0.05]
    { "Name": "Polearm" }
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