Cooldown: 0 seconds
Raheir rushes forward aggressively, dealing 110%{else}heavy Physical damage and Taunting nearby enemies for 4 seconds.

Selecting a Mercenary Core Skill alters their wielded Weapon and Basic Attack.
Weapon: Tower Shield
Basic Attack: Shield Bash
Raheir bashes enemies with a tower shield, dealing 80%{else}moderate Physical damage and Fortifying you for [5]% of your Maximum Life.
Affix /1
Bashes an enemy with his shield, dealing 80% damage and gaining [5]% of their Maximum Life (Max(1,{fortified:MOD_FORTIFY})) as Fortify.
Info /17
name desc
SF_6PowerTag.NPC_Mercenary_ShieldBearer_ShieldBash."Script Formula 1"
SF_7PowerTag.NPC_Mercenary_ShieldBearer_ShieldBash."Script Formula 0"
SF_9Weapon_Damage_Min > 0
nameShield Charge
descCooldown: {Cooldown Time} seconds
Raheir rushes forward aggressively, dealing {payload:CHARGE_PAYLOAD}{else}heavy Physical damage and Taunting nearby enemies for {SF_4} seconds.

Selecting a Mercenary Core Skill alters their wielded Weapon and Basic Attack.
Weapon: Tower Shield
Basic Attack: Shield Bash
Raheir bashes enemies with a tower shield, dealing {payload:MELEE_PAYLOAD_TOOLTIP}{else}moderate Physical damage and Fortifying you for [{SF_6}*100]% of your Maximum Life.
{payload:MELEE_PAYLOAD_TOOLTIP}PowerTag.NPC_Mercenary_ShieldBearer_ShieldBash."Script Formula 0"*100%
{Combat Effect Chance}100
{Cooldown Time}0
{Recharge Time}11