Stemming the Flow Quest /6
label name
LevelAreaHeart of the Moors
NameStemming the Flow
ToastReturn to Nafain
BreadcrumbHeaderReturn to Nafain at the Heart of the Moors
BreadcrumbDescriptionI must return to Nafain and tell him of the monster I found feeding and growing on the corruption flowing into the Untamed Thicket.


  • I must return to Nafain and tell him of the monster I found feeding and growing on the corruption flowing into the Untamed Thicket.
  • Phase70OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Return to Nafain at the Heart of the Moors
  • Phase86

  • Return to Nafain
  • stl
    { "Name": "Stemming the Flow", "Toast": "Return to Nafain", "BreadcrumbHeader": "Return to Nafain at the Heart of the Moors", "BreadcrumbDescription": "I must return to Nafain and tell him of the monster I found feeding and growing on the corruption flowing into the Untamed Thicket.", "Phase70Description": "I must return to Nafain and tell him of the monster I found feeding and growing on the corruption flowing into the Untamed Thicket.", "Phase70OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Return to Nafain at the Heart of the Moors", "Callback86Header": "Return to Nafain" }
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