References to other File
  • MaterialValue/Rotation
  • MaterialValue/Random Range
  • MaterialValue/wave multiplier
  • MaterialValue/Env Roughness Lerp
  • MaterialValue/Env Albedo Brightness
  • MaterialValue/Env Distance To Terrain
  • MaterialValue/shore wave multiplier
  • MaterialValue/Power
  • MaterialValue/Env Wetness Override
  • MaterialValue/Env Wetness Modifier
  • MaterialValue/Env Do Helltide Mods
  • MaterialValue/Env Wetness Min Roughness
  • MaterialValue/Standard Texture UV Type
  • MaterialValue/Puddle Masked AO Intensity
  • MaterialValue/Puddle Masked AO Width Edge
  • MaterialValue/Use Wetness
  • MaterialValue/Env Static Use World Up
  • Texture/Step_Rock_Large_Porosity_Test_A_Mask_A
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Actor_ObjectiveHighlight
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Double Sided
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Brightness
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Scroll Speed
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Length
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Frequency
  • MaterialValue/Highlight U-Tiling
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Scroll-Space
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Fresnel Power
  • MaterialValue/Highlight AO Contribution
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Invert UVs
  • Texture/vfx_highlight_gradient_top_Mask
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Actor_TrapHighlight
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Trap Scroll Speed
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Trap Brightness
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Trap V Scale
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Trap Fresnel Power
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Trap U Scale
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Trap Period
  • MaterialValue/Highlight Trap Outline Brightness
  • Texture/uvDist_clothFolds
  • Texture/WavyGradient
  • Texture/firstKhazra_chakram_shadow_color_ColorGradient
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_Burning
  • MaterialValue/Cylindrical UV Projection Direction
  • MaterialValue/Invert Cylindrical UVs
  • MaterialValue/Override Falloff Bias
  • MaterialValue/Override Falloff Height
  • MaterialValue/Enable Override Falloff
  • MaterialValue/Override Opacity
  • Texture/uvDist_flameSquiggles
  • Texture/barb_rallyingCry_aoe_wave_cloudy_bubbly_Noise2
  • Texture/cosmetic_sorcFire_primary_ColorGradient
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_Poisoned
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Dissolve
  • Texture/global_levelUp_energy_Noise
  • Texture/necro_shadowVeins_Noise
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_Chilled
  • Texture/sorcerer_frostNova_Normal
  • Texture/death_fire_burnt_AO
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_Shadowblight
  • Texture/smoke_streaks_C_UVDistortion2
  • Texture/necro_essence_cloud_Noise
  • Texture/necro_noiseCloud_Normal
  • Texture/necro_shadow_dark_ColorGradient
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_ShadowInfected
  • Texture/weatherVFX_snow_blizzard_Noise
  • Texture/shadow-infested-override_Color
  • Texture/rogue_shadow_cloud_Noise2
  • Texture/vampire_boss_pale_shadow_ColorGradient
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_Charred
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_MotionBlur
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_VampEnrage
  • Texture/000_flatNormal
  • Texture/solid_white
  • Texture/energy_holyEnergyLight_highFreq
  • Texture/monsterAffix_vampiricEnrage_veins
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_UnstableCurrents
  • Texture/fxKit_lightning_UVDistortion
  • Texture/fxKit_lightning_Noise1
  • Texture/000_black
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_Petrify
  • Texture/petrified_cracks_Normal
  • Texture/petrified_cracks_Noise
  • Texture/petrified_cracks_Rough
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_Invader
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Invulnerable
  • MaterialValue/Dissolve UV Method
  • MaterialValue/Translucency Scale
  • MaterialValue/Env Ice Translucency Base
  • MaterialValue/Env Translucency Mask1B Influence
  • Texture/Realistic_Icon_Gems_Reflect_Normal
  • Texture/Realistic_Icon_Gems_Reflect_Mask
  • Texture/Chromatic_vfx
  • Texture/vigo_holy_barrier_DissolveMask
  • Texture/fxKit_demonic_fire_UVDistortion
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_Holy
  • Texture/barbarian_doubleSwing_payload_noiseWind_Mask1
  • Texture/fire_wall_noise_Alpha
  • Texture/000_white
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_Demonic
  • Texture/tileableGoop_Normal
  • Texture/fxKit_buffs_demonic_mask
  • Texture/Scos_BurningCoals_Torch_Normal
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_Malignant
  • MaterialValue/Malignant Phase Type
  • Texture/malignant_fodder_corruption_Mask
  • Texture/malignant_corruption_Mask
  • Texture/malignant_fodder_corruption_Normal
  • Texture/malignant_fodder_corruption_AO
  • Texture/malignant_corruption_Rough
  • Texture/malignant_corruption_Color
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_LimboTouched
  • Texture/andariel_sandPower_Noise2
  • MaterialValue/Iridescent Metal Factor
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Vertex Normal Influence
  • MaterialValue/limboTouched_iridescence_mul
  • MaterialValue/limboTouched_type
  • MaterialValue/Iridescent Fresnel Slope
  • MaterialValue/Iridescent Fresnel Inverse
  • MaterialValue/Iridescent Maximum Saturation
  • MaterialValue/Iridescence Cutoff
  • MaterialValue/Iridescence Cutoff Contrast
  • Texture/limbo_touched_ColorGradient
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_IncenseBuff
  • MaterialValue/Incense Noise Power
  • MaterialValue/Incense Color Gradient Power
  • MaterialValue/Incense Emissive
  • MaterialValue/Incense Alpha Scalar
  • MaterialValue/Incense Color Dark
  • MaterialValue/Incense Color Mid
  • MaterialValue/Incense Color Bright
  • Texture/environmentVFX_wispySmoke_Noise2
  • Shader/ShaderFX_X1_HatredImmune
  • MaterialValue/Hollow Mask
  • MaterialValue/UV Distortion Hollow Mask
  • MaterialValue/UV Distortion Base Layer Hollow
  • MaterialValue/UV Distortion Global U Strength Hollow
  • MaterialValue/UV Distortion Global V Strength Hollow
  • MaterialValue/UV Distortion Global Strength Hollow
  • MaterialValue/Hollow Mask Swipe Falloff Min
  • MaterialValue/Hollow Mask Swipe Falloff Max
  • MaterialValue/Hatred Invuln Alpha Dissolve
  • Texture/flat_NM
  • Texture/necro_essence_Noise
  • Shader/ShaderFX_X1_Golden_Powerup
  • Texture/AkaratNebula_noise_Color
  • Texture/prop_inariusWing_ColorGradient
  • Shader/X1R_ShaderFX_Dispersion_debuff
  • Texture/environmentVFX_wispySmoke_Noise3
  • Texture/mystical_wispy
  • Shader/ShaderFX_X1_Harbinger_Possessed
  • Texture/flowNoise_Noise2
  • Texture/fxKit_damaging_physical_primary_ColorGradient
  • Shader/ShaderFX_IGC_DroppingBlood
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Brightness
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Dry Clot Factor
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Enable Convoluted Effect
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Shape Mask Scale X
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Shape Mask Scale Y
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Shape Mask Offset X
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Shape Mask Offset Y
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Shape Mask Offset Z
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Shape Mask Scale Z
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Fade Factor
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Global Speed Factor
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Shape Splatter Intensity
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Shape Splatter Granularity
  • MaterialValue/IGC Blood Dry Clot Distance
  • Texture/environmentVFX_fogSwirl_UVDistortion
  • Texture/smoke_Streaks_B_Noise
  • Texture/vfx_DemonButcher_DeathSplatter02_DissolveMask
  • Texture/Frac_Decal_Terrain_WaterRunoff_A_Normal
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_HeavySnow
  • MaterialValue/Light Intensity Threshold
  • Texture/Frac_Terrain_Snow_Flat_Rough
  • Texture/Frac_Terrain_Snow_Flat_Normal
  • Texture/Frac_Terrain_Snow_Flat_ColorAndHeight
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_Spiritborn_debuff
  • MaterialValue/Hit Flash NormalMap Influence
  • Texture/spi_soul_base_ColorGradient
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Prop_OccludedCarryable
  • Texture/vfx_monster_skeletonB_projectile_base_squiggle_Noise2
  • Texture/ui_fogOfWar_paperDetail_Noise1
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_Hatred
  • MaterialValue/ShaderFx Hatred Dissolve Swipe
  • Texture/fxKit_damaging_persistentLine_blood_vertexOffset_Noise
  • Texture/liquid_flow_UVDistortion2
  • Texture/hollow_goop_webbing_Mask
  • Texture/dissolve_Noise_01
  • Texture/Hollow_Hatred_Normal
  • Texture/Hollow_Hatred_Rough
  • Texture/Naha_Hatred_Tileable_Sludge_01_Color
  • Shader/ShaderFX_Chr_Toxified
  • Texture/procgen_character_toxified_shaderfx_noise
  • 633357
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