References to this File
{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/Bounties.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "Bounties", "szText": "Whispers of the Dead", "hLabel": 3936835305 }, { "szLabel": "Bounty_Expires", "szText": "Whisper expires in {s1}", "hLabel": 3568249856 }, { "szLabel": "Bounty_Rewards", "szText": "Rewards", "hLabel": 2441905720 }, { "szLabel": "RewardsExperience", "szText": "{s1} XP", "hLabel": 4012461952 }, { "szLabel": "RewardsGold", "szText": "{s1} Gold", "hLabel": 3746331134 }, { "szLabel": "TurnIn_Title", "szText": "The Tree of Whispers", "hLabel": 3697376961 }, { "szLabel": "Bounty_MetaPoint", "szText": "{icon:Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.8} {s1} |4Grim Favor:Grim Favors", "hLabel": 4182492209 }, { "szLabel": "Region_Scosglen", "szText": "Scosglen", "hLabel": 3569267265 }, { "szLabel": "Region_FracturedPeaks", "szText": "Fractured Peaks", "hLabel": 2669050327 }, { "szLabel": "Region_DrySteppes", "szText": "Dry Steppes", "hLabel": 3998038070 }, { "szLabel": "Region_Kehjistan", "szText": "Kehjistan", "hLabel": 1904692068 }, { "szLabel": "Region_Hawezar", "szText": "Hawezar", "hLabel": 3272915989 }, { "szLabel": "TurnIn_Instructions1", "szText": "Silence Whispers marked on the Map to collect Grim Favors.", "hLabel": 2766318405 }, { "szLabel": "TurnIn_Instructions2", "szText": "Silencing a Whisper awards Grim Favors", "hLabel": 2766318406 }, { "szLabel": "TurnIn_Instructions3", "szText": "When 10 Grim Favors have been obtained, claim your reward at the Tree of Whispers", "hLabel": 2766318407 }, { "szLabel": "TurnIn_MetaBar", "szText": "Grim Favors", "hLabel": 1451876155 }, { "szLabel": "Bounty_Complete", "szText": "Whisper Silenced", "hLabel": 3602958169 }, { "szLabel": "TurnIn_MetaPoints", "szText": "Offer Grim Favors", "hLabel": 1374969123 }, { "szLabel": "MetaPoint_Gain", "szText": "+{s1} {icon:Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 2.0} ", "hLabel": 2548094607 }, { "szLabel": "Bounty_Mystery_Reward", "szText": "{icon:BloodshardVendor_QuestionMark, 2.0} Rewards", "hLabel": 2199845665 }, { "szLabel": "Message_Bounty_Assassinate_Spawn", "szText": "The forces of evil have been alerted to your presence.", "hLabel": 356374987 }, { "szLabel": "Message_Bounty_Assassinate_Spawn_Boss", "szText": "A champion of evil accepts your challenge.", "hLabel": 4081282337 }, { "szLabel": "Message_Bounty_Harvest_Ritual_Start", "szText": "The shadows of corruption manifest once more.", "hLabel": 1280956318 }, { "szLabel": "Bounty_FavorAmount", "szText": "{c:FFDBA864}{s1}{/c}{c:FF928C82}/{s2}{/c}", "hLabel": 331490162 }, { "szLabel": "Bounty_FavorAmount_Complete", "szText": "{c_zone_complete}{s1}{/c}{c:FF928c82}/{s2}{/c}", "hLabel": 2870720682 }, { "szLabel": "Message_Bounty_S2_Vampzone_BloodSeeker_Start", "szText": "A pair of Blood Seekers are drawn to your offering", "hLabel": 1885922387 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }