References to other File
  • Sound/Play_UI_Menu_MainMenu_Map_Open
  • Animation2D/MapBkgrnd
  • UI/Map
  • TiledStyle/Map_ZoneInfo_BG
  • Font/Serif
  • Font/SansSerif
  • StringList/Map
  • StringList/ButtonLegend
  • UI/StyleWindows
  • StoryBoard/Map_RegionProgress_Claim
  • StringList/Bounties
  • TiledStyle/Banner_ListTitleRed_Full_Gradient
  • UI/StyleButtons
  • TiledStyle/SelectionRectangleInset
  • Sound/Play_UI_Menu_Generic_Button_Click
  • StringList/BrimstoneKeep_UI
  • TiledStyle/Breakline_Vertical_Faded
  • TiledStyle/Banner_ListTitle
  • StringList/KeyNames
  • TiledStyle/FrameTop_Fade
  • UI/ButtonLegend
  • StoryBoard/FogOfWar_Reveal
  • StringList/Territory_Frac_Glacier
  • StringList/QuestLog
  • UI/Controls
  • StringList/ButtonNames
  • StringList/General
  • StringList/H2OLayout
  • TiledStyle/Achievement_Container
  • TiledStyle/Breakline_Horizontal
  • Font/SansSerif_Italic
  • Sound/Play_UI_Menu_Generic_Button_Hover
  • TiledStyle/BtnMedium_Down
  • TiledStyle/BtnMedium_Over
  • TiledStyle/BtnMedium_Selected
  • TiledStyle/PanelGradientRight
  • TiledStyle/HellGothicChill
  • UI/ModalNotifications
  • Font/ExocetMedium
  • Sound/Play_UI_Menu_Tab_Cylce
  • TiledStyle/Modal_Footer
  • Sound/Play_UI_Menu_Confirm_Medium
  • UI/StyleText
  • StoryBoard/Journal_Open
  • StoryBoard/Journal_Close
  • TiledStyle/Quest_Shared_Preheader
  • TiledStyle/Quest_Limited_Preheader
  • TiledStyle/Quest_Blocked_Preheader
  • StoryBoard/FadeOut_Medium
  • StoryBoard/FadeIn_Medium
  • StringList/Zones
  • StringList/LevelArea_Step_KedBardu
  • StringList/LevelArea_Scos_Cerrigar
  • StringList/LevelArea_Hawe_Zarbinzet
  • StringList/LevelArea_Frac_Kyovashad
  • StringList/LevelArea_Kehj_Gea_Kul
  • StringList/LevelArea_Naha_Kurast
  • UI/ItemTooltipTemplate
  • TiledStyle/BtnLightGradient_Up
  • Sound/Play_UI_Map_View_Change
  • TiledStyle/BtnLightGradient_Disabled
  • TiledStyle/StoneTexture_Entry
  • StoryBoard/CraftGear_tab_NewIcon
  • Sound/Play_UI_Menu_Confirm_Extra_Large
  • TiledStyle/GreyTexture_Simple
  • TiledStyle/RedTexture_Simple
  • TiledStyle/YellowTexture_Simple
  • Sound/Play_UI_Menu_Open_Small
  • Sound/Play_UI_Menu_Close_Generic
  • TiledStyle/Breakline_Bottom
  • Sound/Play_UI_Menu_Open_Medium
  • UI/MainInGameMenu
  • 4015
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