{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/Map.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "Renown", "szText": "Renown:", "hLabel": 290323513 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Completed", "szText": "{c_zone_complete}Completed{/c}", "hLabel": 4201089237 }, { "szLabel": "Zoom", "szText": "Map Level", "hLabel": 4508965 }, { "szLabel": "Title", "szText": "Map", "hLabel": 141470210 }, { "szLabel": "Unknown", "szText": "Undiscovered", "hLabel": 918794480 }, { "szLabel": "MKB_Pathing", "szText": "{icon:KeyPrompt_1, 1.6}", "hLabel": 1428291556 }, { "szLabel": "MKB_World", "szText": "[3] World", "hLabel": 3062735457 }, { "szLabel": "Controller_Pathing", "szText": "{icon:down, 2} ", "hLabel": 1828934862 }, { "szLabel": "Controller_World", "szText": "{icon:up, 2} ", "hLabel": 3445667019 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_PoisonPoolTitle", "szText": "Poison Pool", "hLabel": 2423771809 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_VolcanicTitle", "szText": "Volcanic", "hLabel": 3061239262 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_ExplosiveOrbTitle", "szText": "Explosive Orb", "hLabel": 2106329169 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_CracklingShiftTitle", "szText": "Crackling Shift", "hLabel": 1176841051 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_InfestedTitle", "szText": "Infested", "hLabel": 3998219425 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_LightningPulseTitle", "szText": "Lightning Pulse", "hLabel": 1776493980 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_EnragedTitle", "szText": "Enraged", "hLabel": 3047814117 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_VolcanicDetails", "szText": "While in combat, enemies periodically cause gouts of flame to erupt beneath the feet of players.", "hLabel": 1449354754 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_PoisonPoolDetails", "szText": "When slain, all enemies leave behind a lingering pool of ichor that damages players.", "hLabel": 3032000389 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_LightningPulseDetails", "szText": "Lightning beam chases players around, releasing pulses when reaching a player.", "hLabel": 2521081152 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_InfestedDetails", "szText": "Monsters spawn maggots when killed.", "hLabel": 3913503109 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_ExplosiveOrbDetails", "szText": "Chaos orbs spawn nearby. Explode if not destroyed.", "hLabel": 934349109 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_EnragedDetails", "szText": "Monsters enrage at 30% health remaining, dealing 100% increased damage.", "hLabel": 4009241033 }, { "szLabel": "Affix_CracklingShiftDetails", "szText": "Every time you get hit, there's a chance you crackling shift.", "hLabel": 2334070463 }, { "szLabel": "MKB_Zone", "szText": "{icon:KeyPrompt_2, 1.6}", "hLabel": 2956229365 }, { "szLabel": "ZoneScosglen", "szText": "Scosglen", "hLabel": 3396344922 }, { "szLabel": "ZoneFracturedPeaks", "szText": "Fractured Peaks", "hLabel": 1998541488 }, { "szLabel": "ZoneHawezar", "szText": "Hawezar", "hLabel": 3267675918 }, { "szLabel": "ZoneDrySteppes", "szText": "Dry Steppes", "hLabel": 369200271 }, { "szLabel": "ZoneKehjistan", "szText": "Kehjistan", "hLabel": 493222045 }, { "szLabel": "ZoneTorajan", "szText": "Torajan", "hLabel": 2127227083 }, { "szLabel": "ZoneTeganze", "szText": "Teganze", "hLabel": 1722833194 }, { "szLabel": "Sanctuary", "szText": "Sanctuary", "hLabel": 3686935674 }, { "szLabel": "Dungeon", "szText": "Dungeon", "hLabel": 715918288 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_Dungeon", "szText": "Dungeon", "hLabel": 694995043 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_LocalEvent", "szText": "Event", "hLabel": 2955651328 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_WorldEvent", "szText": "World Boss", "hLabel": 4036146653 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_WorldBoss", "szText": "World Boss", "hLabel": 2464901938 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_QuestSide", "szText": "Side Quest", "hLabel": 2320861194 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_QuestMain", "szText": "Campaign Quest", "hLabel": 2320637034 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_Camp", "szText": "Stronghold", "hLabel": 2236662292 }, { "szLabel": "MapSwitch_CurrentArea", "szText": "Current Area", "hLabel": 2906038923 }, { "szLabel": "MapSwitch_WorldMap", "szText": "World Map", "hLabel": 2980213781 }, { "szLabel": "CustomPinArrived", "szText": "You have reached your destination", "hLabel": 1008113839 }, { "szLabel": "TrackQuestTip", "szText": "Track Quest", "hLabel": 4145170644 }, { "szLabel": "PathingMapGeneric", "szText": "Local Map", "hLabel": 1367369446 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_PathfindingParty", "szText": "{s1}'s pin", "hLabel": 1551655503 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_DungeonReward", "szText": "{icon:RewardAvailable, 2.0} {s1} rewarded on first completion", "hLabel": 3757766152 }, { "szLabel": "Waypoint_Title", "szText": "Teleport Confirmation", "hLabel": 3972585372 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_NightmareDungeon", "szText": "{s2} (Tier {s1})", "hLabel": 3066740258 }, { "szLabel": "ZoneUnknown", "szText": "Unknown Region", "hLabel": 3371731564 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_Bounty", "szText": "Whisper", "hLabel": 456535924 }, { "szLabel": "UntrackQuestTip", "szText": "Untrack Quest", "hLabel": 206583095 }, { "szLabel": "bounty_meta_Complete", "szText": "Grim Favors obtained", "hLabel": 2166870239 }, { "szLabel": "bounty_meta_SecondLine", "szText": "Return to the {c_important}Tree of Whispers{/c}{icon:Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 2.0} to claim your reward", "hLabel": 2603848810 }, { "szLabel": "PingBlacksmith", "szText": "You have items that need repair", "hLabel": 657202352 }, { "szLabel": "PingStash", "szText": "Lost items have been sent to your Stash", "hLabel": 3919412785 }, { "szLabel": "ViewMap", "szText": "View Map", "hLabel": 2007790489 }, { "szLabel": "MapSwitch_DungeonMap", "szText": "Dungeon Map", "hLabel": 3804734813 }, { "szLabel": "MapSwitch_UnexploredAreas", "szText": "Unexplored Areas", "hLabel": 29187521 }, { "szLabel": "Waypoint_TravelConfirmation", "szText": "Travel to {s1}?", "hLabel": 3072865969 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Complete_Full", "szText": "{s1}%", "hLabel": 2178506627 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Complete_Icons", "szText": " {c:FFdba864}{s1}{/c}{c:FF928c82}/{s2}", "hLabel": 3174156300 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Icon_Waypoints", "szText": "Waypoints", "hLabel": 1583616590 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Icon_Camps", "szText": "Strongholds", "hLabel": 164652564 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Icon_SideQuest", "szText": "Side Quests", "hLabel": 2222709175 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Icon_FogOfWar", "szText": "Areas Discovered", "hLabel": 2619885755 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Icon_Dungeons", "szText": "Side Dungeons", "hLabel": 2705635107 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Icon_HiddenCache", "szText": "Altars of Lilith", "hLabel": 1063142656 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_XP", "szText": "+ Bonus XP", "hLabel": 2566520480 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Complete", "szText": "Region Progress 100% Complete", "hLabel": 1819262545 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_CollectRewards", "szText": "Collect Rewards", "hLabel": 1765347094 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_SectionDone", "szText": "Region Progress Rewards Earned", "hLabel": 3018957395 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Reward_Title", "szText": "Reward {s1} ", "hLabel": 2323274142 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_XP_Desc", "szText": "+{s1} XP {s2}", "hLabel": 387042622 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Gold_Desc", "szText": "+{s1} Gold {s2} ", "hLabel": 1651842972 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Item_Desc", "szText": "Item: {s1} {s2} ", "hLabel": 3806195301 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_SkillPoint_Desc", "szText": "+{s1} Skill Point {s2} ", "hLabel": 3702013087 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_QuestPriority", "szText": "Priority Quest", "hLabel": 1194603175 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_ZoneEvent", "szText": "Legion Event", "hLabel": 2889913265 }, { "szLabel": "RewardAvailable", "szText": "Reward(s) available to collect!", "hLabel": 2953422758 }, { "szLabel": "RewardAvailable_KBM", "szText": "Reward(s) available to collect! Press {icon:KeyPrompt_W, 2} to view.", "hLabel": 1719072479 }, { "szLabel": "RewardAvailable_Controller", "szText": "Reward(s) available to collect! Press {icon:button4,2.0} to view.", "hLabel": 2135097289 }, { "szLabel": "FilterTitle", "szText": "Filter", "hLabel": 1856936616 }, { "szLabel": "ResetFilters", "szText": "Reset", "hLabel": 3861177116 }, { "szLabel": "FilterGroup_Dungeons", "szText": "Dungeons", "hLabel": 1058061941 }, { "szLabel": "FilterGroup_Camps", "szText": "Strongholds", "hLabel": 3759103654 }, { "szLabel": "FilterGroup_Events", "szText": "Events", "hLabel": 3894221895 }, { "szLabel": "FilterGroup_Bounties", "szText": "Whispers of the Dead", "hLabel": 2844430107 }, { "szLabel": "FilterGroup_Trainers", "szText": "Class-Specific", "hLabel": 4262804602 }, { "szLabel": "FilterGroup_Crafters", "szText": "Crafters", "hLabel": 1300437580 }, { "szLabel": "FilterGroup_Vendors", "szText": "Vendors", "hLabel": 3780396819 }, { "szLabel": "FilterGroup_StorageAndWardrobe", "szText": "Stash & Wardrobe", "hLabel": 1349608208 }, { "szLabel": "FilterGroup_Placeholder", "szText": "Placeholder", "hLabel": 2111592181 }, { "szLabel": "FilterGroup_Waypoints", "szText": "Waypoints", "hLabel": 3048276960 }, { "szLabel": "CloseFilter", "szText": "Close Filter", "hLabel": 1059609500 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_CapstoneDungeon", "szText": "Capstone Dungeon", "hLabel": 4039288832 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_UnsupportedReward_Desc", "szText": "+{s1} Unsupported Reward Type {s2} ", "hLabel": 3889397316 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_PotionCharge_Desc", "szText": "+{s1} Potion Capacity {s2} ", "hLabel": 1626480825 }, { "szLabel": "FilterGroup_LostCache", "szText": "Altars & Tenets", "hLabel": 3666561448 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_PointUnlock", "szText": "Renown to unlock:", "hLabel": 3664300110 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_TotalPoints", "szText": "Total Renown Earned: {c:FFdba867}{s1}", "hLabel": 2121361689 }, { "szLabel": "Claimed", "szText": "Claimed", "hLabel": 3351862351 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Points", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 1519937589 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_ClickToClaim", "szText": "Claim Rewards!", "hLabel": 2149384007 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Overall_Progress", "szText": "{c:FFe3e0d9}Renown:{/c} {c:FFdba864}{s1}{/c} {c:FF928c82}/{s2}", "hLabel": 3479255265 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Toast_LostCache", "szText": "Altar of Lilith Claimed", "hLabel": 3692127832 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Toast_Stronghold", "szText": "Stronghold Conquered", "hLabel": 1844021382 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Toast_SideQuest", "szText": "Side Quest Completed", "hLabel": 3712935929 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Toast_Waypoint", "szText": "Waypoint Unlocked", "hLabel": 613748861 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Toast_FoW", "szText": "Area Discovered", "hLabel": 578611790 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Toast_Dungeon", "szText": "Dungeon Completed", "hLabel": 67581554 }, { "szLabel": "CrafterRequirement", "szText": "Unlocks at {s1}", "hLabel": 546288376 }, { "szLabel": "AlchemistDetail", "szText": "Alchemists can upgrade potions, craft elixirs and incense, and refine your resources.", "hLabel": 2189697613 }, { "szLabel": "BlacksmithDetail", "szText": "Blacksmiths can upgrade armor and weapons, repair equipment, and salvage materials.", "hLabel": 3583958357 }, { "szLabel": "JewelerDetail", "szText": "Jewelers can craft gems and manage sockets on your items.", "hLabel": 1446105441 }, { "szLabel": "OccultistDetail", "szText": "Occultists can imprint aspects, salvage and craft sigils, and enchant items.", "hLabel": 2572732109 }, { "szLabel": "AffixesTitle", "szText": "Affixes", "hLabel": 1152152104 }, { "szLabel": "ZoneProgress", "szText": "Region Progress", "hLabel": 2273375025 }, { "szLabel": "RenownValue", "szText": "Renown Value: {s1}", "hLabel": 1257234166 }, { "szLabel": "ClaimHero", "szText": "Claimed by each character", "hLabel": 3750978708 }, { "szLabel": "ClaimAutomatic", "szText": "Unlocks for all characters on a realm", "hLabel": 1730391213 }, { "szLabel": "RegionRewardAllClaimed", "szText": "All Claimed", "hLabel": 2328123857 }, { "szLabel": "Claim", "szText": "Claim", "hLabel": 121396582 }, { "szLabel": "RegionComplete", "szText": "{c:FF11af00}Region Completed", "hLabel": 2859889821 }, { "szLabel": "RenownEntryValue", "szText": "{c:FFdba864}{s1}{/c} {c:FF928c82}/{s2}", "hLabel": 3880990472 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_PvPShardWarning", "szText": "{c_red}Uncleansed seeds will be lost{/c}", "hLabel": 212014225 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Reward_SkillPoint", "szText": "+ {icon:Skill_Icon, 1.5} {c_gold}{s1}{/c} Skill |4Point:Points;", "hLabel": 151041989 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Reward_PotionCharge", "szText": "+ {icon:HealthPotion_04_Active, 2} {c_gold}{s1}{/c} Potion Capacity", "hLabel": 2891926687 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Reward_ParagonPoint", "szText": "+ {icon:ParagonPoint_Icon, 1.5} {c_gold}{s1}{/c} Paragon |4Point:Points;", "hLabel": 3129039214 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Reward_Gold", "szText": "+ {icon:gold, 1.5} {c_gold}{s1}{/c} Gold", "hLabel": 1501597090 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Reward_Temp", "szText": "+ {icon:temp, 2} {c_gold}{s1}{/c} PH Reward", "hLabel": 1502053426 }, { "szLabel": "Locked", "szText": "Locked", "hLabel": 66970098 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_LostCache", "szText": "Altar of Lilith (Claimed)", "hLabel": 4045617289 }, { "szLabel": "LastSeasonStashNotice", "szText": "{icon:season, 2.5}{c_highlight}Items from the last season have been sent to your Stash. They expire at the end of the current season{/c}", "hLabel": 3900875906 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Reward_GamblingCurrency", "szText": "+ {icon:GamblingCurrency, 1.5} {c_gold}{s1}{/c} Max Obols", "hLabel": 1825514152 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Complete_Icons_Finished", "szText": "{c_zone_complete}{s1}{/c}{c:FF928c82}/{s2}{/c}", "hLabel": 2374081333 }, { "szLabel": "CrafterRequirementComplete", "szText": "Complete {s1}", "hLabel": 1661915281 }, { "szLabel": "CrafterRequirementLevel", "szText": "Level {s1}", "hLabel": 1384778256 }, { "szLabel": "CrafterRequirementWorldTier", "szText": "World Tier {s1}", "hLabel": 1437043540 }, { "szLabel": "Tier3Requirement", "szText": "Requires Level 60", "hLabel": 4260238584 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_CellarDungeon", "szText": "Cellar", "hLabel": 2206760374 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_QuestSeasonal", "szText": "Season Quest", "hLabel": 283256347 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_QuestLiveEvent", "szText": "Event Quest", "hLabel": 3723847863 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_BossDungeon", "szText": "Lair", "hLabel": 559582874 }, { "szLabel": "Event_Timer_WorldBoss", "szText": "World Boss: {c_highlight}{s1}", "hLabel": 1673314336 }, { "szLabel": "Event_Timer_Legion", "szText": "Legion: {c_highlight}{s1}", "hLabel": 1049549087 }, { "szLabel": "DungeonCompleted", "szText": "Completed Recently", "hLabel": 4182945517 }, { "szLabel": "DungeonNotCompleted", "szText": "Not Yet Completed", "hLabel": 539956926 }, { "szLabel": "SMETooltip_DurationSeason", "szText": "Season-long Activity", "hLabel": 2701026462 }, { "szLabel": "AutoPinEnabled", "szText": "{icon:Marker_AutoPin,2.5}Auto-Pin Enabled", "hLabel": 831893963 }, { "szLabel": "AutoPinDisabled", "szText": "{icon:Marker_AutoPin,2.5}Auto-Pin Disabled", "hLabel": 554453976 }, { "szLabel": "ZoomLevel", "szText": " Zoom Level {s1}%", "hLabel": 1517783133 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_CitadelWing", "szText": "[PH] Citadel Wing", "hLabel": 1088778782 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_CitadelBossWing", "szText": "[PH] Citadel Boss Wing", "hLabel": 3047835317 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Icon_HiddenCacheOverride", "szText": "Tenets of Akarat", "hLabel": 664720288 }, { "szLabel": "RegionProgress_Toast_LostCacheOverride", "szText": "Tenet of Akarat Claimed", "hLabel": 3702115576 }, { "szLabel": "X1_Locked_Info", "szText": "You cannot progress further due to not owning Vessel of Hatred.", "hLabel": 1071706757 }, { "szLabel": "IconTooltip_OverrideLostCache", "szText": "Tenet of Akarat (Claimed)", "hLabel": 2392776233 }, { "szLabel": "X1PrologueMismatch", "szText": "You cannot access this quest due to a party member not owning Vessel of Hatred.", "hLabel": 3735777420 }, { "szLabel": "CitadelWingName", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 930721356 }, { "szLabel": "CitadelCacheTimer", "szText": "{c_legendary}Citadel Challenger's Cache{/c} (resets in {c_highlight}{s1}{/c})", "hLabel": 442829739 }, { "szLabel": "FilterGroup_TenetsAkarat", "szText": "Tenets of Akarat", "hLabel": 2064534425 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }