A Briny Fate Quest /5

All Referenced Items

  • Rolled Letter QST_Scos_BrinyFate_BenenLetter
  • Phase70

  • Search for Benen at Eternal Watch
  • Phase17

  • Tell Fergus about Benen
  • Phase9

  • Fergus’s best friend, Benen, has gone missing at sea. Rumors say his vessel crashed along the northern coast. I should investigate the rocky coast and see if I can find evidence of Benen’s fate.
  • Phase15

  • Benen wasn’t on the ship that crashed at Eternal Watch. He departed earlier in the voyage, leaving a letter for Fergus. It spoke to the harsh reality of their friendship and Benen’s desire to be free of Fergus’s drinking and misery. I should return to Fergus and share Benen’s fate.
  • Phase19

  • Search for Benen at Stormbreak Cove
  • Phase107

  • Fergus’s best friend, Benen, has gone missing at sea. Rumors say his vessel crashed along the northern coast. I should investigate the rocky coast and see if I can find evidence of Benen’s fate.
  • Phase109

  • Speak with the Wounded Sailor
  • Phase12

  • I found a wounded sailor from Benen’s shipwreck. He was not sure of Benen’s fate, but said any survivors would have washed up along Eternal Watch. There’s chance he’s still alive.