A Debt Repaid Quest /5


  • We found Flinn alive, north of Backwater, but as with so many others in this area, he had been turned into a Drowned. To square Kato’s debt with Flinn, we mercy killed him. I should check in with her.
  • Phase7

  • Speak with Kato
  • Phase0

  • I found a woman in Backwater who said she owes a debt to a man named Flinn. Her ship is getting ready to leave, and she is determined to clear her debt before departing. However, Flinn has recently gone missing. She says he was expected up the road north of Backwater, so we should begin our search there.
  • Phase92

  • Find Flinn
  • A Debt Repaid Quest /2


  • I helped Kato find the man to whom she is indebted, but like so many in the area, he has unfortunately been turned into a Drowned. Killing him now would be a mercy.
  • Phase4

  • Slay Flinn
  • Phase8

  • I helped Kato find Flinn, the man to whom she is indebted. We should confront him.
  • Phase13

  • Speak with Flinn
  • Phase2

  • Find Flinn
  • Phase0

  • I found a woman in Backwater who said she owes a debt to a man named Flinn. Her ship is getting ready to leave, and she is determined to clear her debt before departing. However, Flinn has recently gone missing. She says he was expected up the road north of Backwater, so we should begin our search there.