Archivist's Journal III

Quest Item

A journal entry detailing the Light's Watch archivist's futile attempt at convincing Soliana to flee the Knights Penitent to be with her son. Soliana's conviction was strong. Her mind was made.
Information /4
name desc
Drop Min Level0
Vendor Min Level0
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
QuestLegacies of Light's Watch
Lore /1
name desc
Archivist's Journal: Volume III
  • Archivist: I tried to convince Soliana to leave with me. I told her that her son would rather grow up with a mother, and we could start over, away from this frozen wasteland.
  • Archivist: She refused. Soliana said to run would be to abandon the Light, and a better world for her son. Perhaps, she’s right…
{ "Name": "Archivist's Journal III", "Flavor": "A journal entry detailing the Light's Watch archivist's futile attempt at convincing Soliana to flee the Knights Penitent to be with her son. Soliana's conviction was strong. Her mind was made." }
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