Artificer's Stone

Crafting Material

An ancient token used by the Horadrim to enter {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Pit, 1.8} The Pit of the Artificer in {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_CapitalWaypointActive, 1.5} Cerrigar

Collected at level 60 from:
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Helltide_Chest, 1.5} Tortured Gifts in {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Helltide, 1.5} Helltide
Cache Rewards from {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_WorldEvent,1.5} Legion Event and World Boss
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_NightmareDungeonEntrance,1.5} Nightmare Dungeons
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_BSK_Entrance,1.5} Infernal Hordes
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Undercity_Entrance, 1.5} Undercity of Kurast
A surprisingly light material that glows faintly.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Information /1
Recipe /150