At Any Cost Quest /5


  • My heart sinks upon learning that Symon's traveling companion was Elias. If true, it is hard to imagine that Symon still lives. Still, if there is even the smallest chance he is alive, I will continue on. The pilgrims directed me towards a refuge in the marshes marked by giant tusks.
  • Phase7

  • Find the refuge marked by giant tusks
  • Phase10

  • My heart sinks upon learning that Symon's traveling companion was Elias. If true, it is hard to imagine that Symon still lives. Still, if there is even the smallest chance he is alive, I will continue on. The pilgrims directed me towards a refuge in the marshes marked by giant tusks.
  • Phase9

  • Enter the Strange Refuge
  • At Any Cost Quest /2

    All Referenced Items

  • Acolyte's Head QST_Hawe_AtAnyCost_CorpseHead
  • Half-Melted Candles QST_Hawe_AtAnyCost_Candles
  • Phase0

  • PH Description Text
  • Phase25

  • Slay the wildlife
  • Phase3

  • I am disturbed by the news that the one-eyed swordsman was Elias. How did he disguise his appearance to fool others so easily? The pilgrims sent them into the eastern marshes towards a refuge marked by large tusks, and so I will follow.
  • Phase2

  • Investigate the campsite
  • Phase8

  • While exploring Symon and Elias' camp, I heard a strange groaning coming from one corner of the room. What could possibly still be alive down here?
  • Phase7

  • Speak with the Groaning Corpse
  • Phase11

  • While exploring Symon and Elias' camp, I heard a strange groaning coming from one corner of the room. What could possibly still be alive down here?
  • Phase46

  • Collect the {ITEM:QST_Hawe_AtAnyCost_CorpseHead}
  • Phase17

  • The partially animated corpse of an acolyte of Rathma guides me to prepare for a ritual that will show me an echo of what transpired here. I hope this will help me follow Elias' trail.
  • Phase16

  • Speak to the Acolyte's Head
  • Phase55

  • The partially animated corpse of an acolyte of Rathma guides me to prepare for a ritual that will show me an echo of what transpired here. I hope this will help me follow Elias' trail.
  • Phase56

  • Place the Acolyte's Head
  • Phase14

  • The partially animated corpse of an acolyte of Rathma guides me to prepare for a ritual that will show me an echo of what transpired here. I hope this will help me follow Elias' trail.
  • Phase22

  • Place candles: {DONE_OVER_NEEDED}
  • Phase61

  • The partially animated corpse of an acolyte of Rathma guides me to prepare for a ritual that will show me an echo of what transpired here. I hope this will help me follow Elias' trail.
  • Phase79

  • Collect the {ITEM:QST_Hawe_AtAnyCost_Candles}