Blood Bone Leg Reinforcements

Legendary Hunters' Acclaim Reward Cache

Several pairs of pants reinforced with Blood Bone.
Bone imbued with Blood Magic becomes as durable as steel while remaining lightweight.
Information /1
name desc
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
{ "Name": "Blood Bone Leg Reinforcements", "Description": "Several pairs of pants reinforced with Blood Bone.", "Flavor": "Bone imbued with Blood Magic becomes as durable as steel while remaining lightweight." }
References to other File
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/Item/S02_Vampzone_ReputationCache_VampiricLegs.itm", "snoActor": "Actor/BountyMeta_Cache_ArmorAndWeapons", "snoItemType": "ItemType/S2_BloodHarvest_Cache", "eMagicType": 0, "dwFlags": 4122, "ptInitialDyes": [], "eComponentStyleType": 0, "dwComponentStyle": 0, "nMaxStackSize": 1, "nBaseCostCurrency": 10, "unk_11efbc0": 1, "eCurrencyType": 0, "nSellCostOverride": 0, "unk_def75bc": false, "nExplicitRequiredLevel": 1, "ePreferredZone": -1, "snoSalvageTreasureClassNormal": "TreasureClass/1702674", "nFixedIPowerLevel": 0, "eForcedItemQualityModifier": 0, "unk_8789165": false, "ptAttributes": [], "nForcedMaxAffixCount": -1, "arInherentAffixes": [], "arForcedAffixes": [], "fUsableByClass": [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "ptSocketedEffects": [], "arReputation": [], "tInvImages": [ { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 } ], "unk_75d565b": 0, "fMustKeepInInventory": false, "eItemUseType": 61, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] }, "bSeasonItem": false, "szItemUseCursor": "", "unk_d1d6a7f": { "szLabel": 0 }, "unk_d085fd9": false, "unk_b30b3df": { "hImageHandle": 0 }, "unk_cbbccc1": 0, "unk_9b60982": 0, "eDisplayedQualityLevel": 5, "bIsTransmog": false }

Blood Bone Leg Reinforcements

Legendary Hunters' Acclaim Reward Cache

Several pairs of pants reinforced with Blood Bone.
Bone imbued with Blood Magic becomes as durable as steel while remaining lightweight.
Information /1
name desc
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
{ "Name": "Blood Bone Leg Reinforcements", "Description": "Several pairs of pants reinforced with Blood Bone.", "Flavor": "Bone imbued with Blood Magic becomes as durable as steel while remaining lightweight." }
References to this File
References to other File
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/Item/S02_Vampzone_ReputationCache_VampiricLegs_Icon.itm", "snoActor": "Actor/S2_Item_Cache_VampiricLegs_Flippy", "snoItemType": "ItemType/S2_BloodHarvest_Cache", "eMagicType": 0, "dwFlags": 4122, "ptInitialDyes": [], "eComponentStyleType": 0, "dwComponentStyle": 0, "nMaxStackSize": 1, "nBaseCostCurrency": 10, "unk_11efbc0": 1, "eCurrencyType": 0, "nSellCostOverride": 0, "unk_def75bc": false, "nExplicitRequiredLevel": 1, "ePreferredZone": -1, "snoSalvageTreasureClassNormal": "TreasureClass/1631034", "nFixedIPowerLevel": 0, "eForcedItemQualityModifier": 0, "unk_8789165": false, "ptAttributes": [], "nForcedMaxAffixCount": -1, "arInherentAffixes": [], "arForcedAffixes": [], "fUsableByClass": [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "ptSocketedEffects": [], "arReputation": [], "tInvImages": [ { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 } ], "unk_75d565b": 0, "fMustKeepInInventory": false, "eItemUseType": 61, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] }, "bSeasonItem": false, "szItemUseCursor": "", "unk_d1d6a7f": { "szLabel": 0 }, "unk_d085fd9": false, "unk_b30b3df": { "hImageHandle": 0 }, "unk_cbbccc1": 0, "unk_9b60982": 0, "eDisplayedQualityLevel": 5, "bIsTransmog": false }