By Three They Come Quest /5

All Referenced Items

  • Symon's Tattered Journal QST_Hawe_ByThree_PrayerBook
  • Phase22

  • Elias and his party of mercenaries broke through the floor of the Esret chapel and descended into the dark depths inside. I must prepare myself to do the same.
  • Phase21

  • Enter the Halls of Dark Portent
  • Phase25

  • I should return Symon's things to Father Dymus. He will be heartbroken by the news, but he deserves to know the truth.
  • Phase24

  • Return to Father Dymus
  • Phase76

  • Sev has directed me towards the sagging chapel that sits amongst the ruins of the town of Esret. The closer I get to finding what Elias was searching for, the more uneasy I feel. What did Symon find himself wrapped up in?
  • Phase75

  • Enter the Esret Chapel
  • Phase79

  • Elias and his party of mercenaries broke through the floor of the Esret chapel and descended into the dark depths inside. I must prepare myself to do the same.
  • Phase78

  • Enter the Halls of Dark Portent
  • Phase88

  • After a small bribe, Sev was willing to tell me about Elias's ultimate goal: the ruins of a town called Esret, forgotten in the southern wetlands. She showed me its location, and promised to meet me there, if only to face her fears of what occurred there.
  • Phase90

  • Meet Sev outside Esret
  • By Three They Come Quest /2

    All Referenced Items

  • Symon's Tattered Journal QST_Hawe_ByThree_PrayerBook
  • Phase77

  • Collect {ITEM}
  • Phase0

  • Symon could not possibly have known the horrors hidden under the chapel. Why did he not escape as Sev did the moment he encountered this place? Could Elias' hold over him have been so strong?
  • Phase5

  • Search for traces of Elias
  • Phase11

  • This chamber is filled with blood petals... This is where Elias summoned Lilith back to this world. This is what he was after. I must find what happened to Symon.
  • Phase10

  • Inspect Symon's corpse
  • Phase14

  • This chamber is filled with blood petals... This is where Elias summoned Lilith back to this world. This is what he was after. I must survive the evil that still haunts it and find Symon.
  • Phase13

  • Slay the Blood Echo
  • Phase17

  • The unease in my stomach grows, but I must see this to the end. What is behind this door?
  • Phase16

  • Investigate the room beyond
  • Phase18

  • I have found a stone door carved with ancient symbols. There seems to be no way to open it, so I must knock it down with brute force. The unease in my stomach grows, but I must see this to the end.
  • Phase20

  • Break down the door
  • Phase29

  • I have found a stone door carved with ancient symbols. There seems to be no way to open it, so I must knock it down with brute force. The unease in my stomach grows, but I must see this to the end.
  • Phase31

  • Break down the door
  • Phase39

  • I have found a stone door carved with ancient symbols. There seems to be no way to open it, so I must knock it down with brute force. The unease in my stomach grows, but I must see this to the end.
  • Phase41

  • Break down the door
  • Phase44

  • I have found a stone door carved with ancient symbols. There seems to be no way to open it, so I must knock it down with brute force. The unease in my stomach grows, but I must see this to the end.
  • Phase67

  • Slay the ghouls
  • Phase45

  • I have found a stone door carved with ancient symbols. There seems to be no way to open it, so I must knock it down with brute force. The unease in my stomach grows, but I must see this to the end.
  • Phase69

  • Slay the ghouls
  • Awarded to those who attended Blizzcon 2019.
    Reward: Enthusiastic, Admirer