Item /61
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by an expert rogue who dealt damage in melee.
Petty jobs yield petty coin. You want better—and for that, you'll need better.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by an expert rogue who dealt damage at range.
Petty jobs yield petty coin. You want better—and for that, you'll need better.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by an expert rogue who tinkered with traps and grenades.
Petty jobs yield petty coin. You want better—and for that, you'll need better.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by an expert rogue who dabbled in potions and imbuements.
Petty jobs yield petty coin. You want better—and for that, you'll need better.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a great barbarian who let rage overcome them.
You have cut your teeth on crude iron long enough. A proven warrior deserves proper steel.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a great barbarian who bled out their foes.
You have cut your teeth on crude iron long enough. A proven warrior deserves proper steel.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a great barbarian who devastated the battlefield.
You have cut your teeth on crude iron long enough. A proven warrior deserves proper steel.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a great barbarian who brought down the weight of the world.
You have cut your teeth on crude iron long enough. A proven warrior deserves proper steel.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by an accomplished sorcerer who channeled lightning.
Long have you harnessed the elements. Fate now calls on you not just to wield, but to become.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by an accomplished sorcerer who invoked fire.
Long have you harnessed the elements. Fate now calls on you not just to wield, but to become.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by an accomplished sorcerer who spread frost.
Long have you harnessed the elements. Fate now calls on you not just to wield, but to become.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by an accomplished sorcerer who conjured the arcane to fight for them.
Long have you harnessed the elements. Fate now calls on you not just to wield, but to become.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a grave necromancer who raised the dead.
Life, death. Rot, breath. All must bend to the Balance. It is time now for you, too, to transcend.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a grave necromancer who wielded darkness.
Life, death. Rot, breath. All must bend to the Balance. It is time now for you, too, to transcend.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a grave necromancer who sculpted bone.
Life, death. Rot, breath. All must bend to the Balance. It is time now for you, too, to transcend.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a grave necromancer who manipulated blood.
Life, death. Rot, breath. All must bend to the Balance. It is time now for you, too, to transcend.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a grizzled druid who shapeshifted into a werewolf.
The wilderness thrums to the rhythm of your heartbeat. Let it honor you with its gifts.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a grizzled druid who shapeshifted into a werebear.
The wilderness thrums to the rhythm of your heartbeat. Let it honor you with its gifts.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a grizzled druid who channeled the storm.
The wilderness thrums to the rhythm of your heartbeat. Let it honor you with its gifts.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a grizzled druid who channeled the earth.
The wilderness thrums to the rhythm of your heartbeat. Let it honor you with its gifts.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a respected spiritborn who stalked the plains.
Both warden and warrior, in service and served. The spirits demand greater of their vessel.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a respected spiritborn who soared the clouds.
Both warden and warrior, in service and served. The spirits demand greater of their vessel.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a respected spiritborn who patrolled the forests.
Both warden and warrior, in service and served. The spirits demand greater of their vessel.
Legendary Cache
Requires Level 60
A treasure trove of both ancestral unique and legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods compiled by a respected spiritborn who knew what stirred below.
Both warden and warrior, in service and served. The spirits demand greater of their vessel.
Legendary Cache
Grants a random Greater Archetype Cache from your class, which contains ancestral unique and legendary items, materials and a temper manual.
Carve your own path to greatness, one gruesome massacre at a time.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Legendary Cache
Contains all Legendary Temper Manuals that are generic across Classes.
Likely useful to be by a Stash before opening.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Legendary Cache
Contains all Legendary Temper Manuals that are exclusive to your Class.
Likely useful to be by a Stash before opening.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Legendary Cache
Contains all Runes of Invocation.
Likely useful to be by a Stash before opening.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Legendary Cache
Contains all Runes of Ritual.
Likely useful to be by a Stash before opening.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Legendary Cache
Contains 15 random Legendaries, quality dependent on your current Level and World Tier.
Likely useful to be by a Stash before opening.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Unique Cache
Contains all usable Uniques that are generic across Classes.
Likely useful to be by a Stash before opening.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Unique Cache
Contains all Uniques that are exclusive to your Class.
Likely useful to be by a Stash before opening.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Contains all Mythic Uniques.
Likely useful to be by a Stash before opening.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a rogue who dealt damage at range.
To the untrained eye, these look like the tools of a scoundrel. You see opportunity.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a rogue who dealt damage in melee.
To the untrained eye, these look like the tools of a scoundrel. You see opportunity.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a rogue who tinkered with traps and grenades.
To the untrained eye, these look like the tools of a scoundrel. You see opportunity.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a rogue who dabbled in potions and imbuements.
To the untrained eye, these look like the tools of a scoundrel. You see opportunity.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a barbarian who let rage overcome them.
Swords. Hammers. Axes. These are not mere weapons but sacred choices on the Barbarian's path.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a barbarian who brought down the weight of the world.
Swords. Hammers. Axes. These are not mere weapons but sacred choices on the Barbarian's path.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a barbarian who bled out their foes.
Swords. Hammers. Axes. These are not mere weapons but sacred choices on the Barbarian's path.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a barbarian who devastated the battlefield.
Swords. Hammers. Axes. These are not mere weapons but sacred choices on the Barbarian's path.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a sorcerer who channeled lightning.
Never again will you cower in fear of the elements. Harness their power and rise in mastery.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a sorcerer who invoked fire.
Never again will you cower in fear of the elements. Harness their power and rise in mastery.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a sorcerer who spread frost.
Never again will you cower in fear of the elements. Harness their power and rise in mastery.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a sorcerer who conjured the arcane to fight for them.
Never again will you cower in fear of the elements. Harness their power and rise in mastery.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a necromancer who raised the dead.
Flesh and bone, your sacrament. The Balance, your responsibility. How will you serve?
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a necromancer who wielded darkness.
Flesh and bone, your sacrament. The Balance, your responsibility. How will you serve?
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a necromancer who sculpted bone.
Flesh and bone, your sacrament. The Balance, your responsibility. How will you serve?
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a necromancer who manipulated blood.
Flesh and bone, your sacrament. The Balance, your responsibility. How will you serve?
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a druid who shapeshifted into a werewolf.
Since their founding, Druids have used such tools to set their bond with the wilds. Today, it is your turn.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a druid who shapeshifted into a werebear.
Since their founding, Druids have used such tools to set their bond with the wilds. Today, it is your turn.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a druid who channeled the storm.
Since their founding, Druids have used such tools to set their bond with the wilds. Today, it is your turn.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a druid who channeled the earth.
Since their founding, Druids have used such tools to set their bond with the wilds. Today, it is your turn.
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a spiritborn who stalked the plains.
The Hunter, Guardian, Seeker, and Devourer watch from within their realm. To which will you offer your hand?
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a spiritborn who soared the clouds.
The Hunter, Guardian, Seeker, and Devourer watch from within their realm. To which will you offer your hand?
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a spiritborn who patrolled the forests.
The Hunter, Guardian, Seeker, and Devourer watch from within their realm. To which will you offer your hand?
Rare Cache
An assortment of legendary items, tempering manuals and useful goods left behind by a spiritborn who knew what stirred below.
The Hunter, Guardian, Seeker, and Devourer watch from within their realm. To which will you offer your hand?
Rare Cache
Grants a curated Archetype Cache from your class, which contains legendary items, materials and a temper manual.
The path to Hell will be paved with the blood of demons. How they are to be slaughtered is yet to be written.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Legendary Cache
Contains all Occult Gems.
Likely useful to be by a Stash before opening.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Legendary Cache
Contains 5000 Restless Rot, 10 Draughts of Whispers, 5 Fugitive Heads, and the Occult Gem Grimoires.
Likely useful to be by a Stash before opening.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Contains a collection of Restless Rot.
The lock on your reward shows no signs of wear, but the box itself could easily break with a gentle squeeze.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn