Reach greater heights. Upgrade your gear, indulge in curiosities, achieve mastery, stockpile survival tools, and fight the largest monsters in Sanctuary. From here, your journey becomes ever more challenging.
Reward: 16000 Flavor, Third Journey Cache, 4294967295, Dire Wolf's Aspect, Aspect of Decay, Aspect of Imitated Imbuement, Aspect of the Unbroken Tether
Reach greater heights. Upgrade your gear, indulge in curiosities, achieve mastery, stockpile survival tools, and fight the largest monsters in Sanctuary. From here, your journey becomes ever more challenging.
Reach greater heights. Upgrade your gear, indulge in curiosities, achieve mastery, stockpile survival tools, and fight the largest monsters in Sanctuary. From here, your journey becomes ever more challenging.
Reward: 16000 Flavor, Third Journey Cache, Aspect of Limitless Rage, Aspect of the Dark Howl, Blood Getter's Aspect, Aspect of Noxious Ice, Everliving Aspect
Reach greater heights. Upgrade your gear, indulge in curiosities, achieve mastery, stockpile survival tools, and fight the largest monsters in Sanctuary. From here, your journey becomes ever more challenging.
Reward: 16000 Flavor, Third Journey Cache, Third Journey Crafting Cache, Third Journey Equipment Cache, Third Journey Summoning Cache
Reach greater heights. Upgrade your gear, indulge in curiosities, achieve mastery, stockpile survival tools, and fight the largest monsters in Sanctuary. From here, your journey becomes ever more challenging.
Reward: 16000 Flavor, Third Journey Cache, Third Journey Crafting Cache, Third Journey Summoning Cache, Third Journey Equipment Cache
Reach greater heights. Upgrade your gear, indulge in curiosities, achieve mastery, stockpile survival tools, and fight the largest monsters in Sanctuary. From here, your journey becomes ever more challenging.
Reward: 16000 Flavor, Third Journey Cache, Third Journey Crafting Cache, Third Journey Summoning Cache, Third Journey Equipment Cache
Reach greater heights. Upgrade your gear, indulge in curiosities, achieve mastery, stockpile survival tools, and fight the largest monsters in Sanctuary. From here, your journey becomes ever more challenging.
Reward: 16000 Flavor, Third Journey Cache, Third Journey Crafting Cache, Third Journey Summoning Cache, Archetype Cache