Claws at the Throat Quest /5

All Referenced Items

  • Worn Insignia QST_ITM_Scos_ClawsattheThroat_WornInsignia
  • Phase7

  • Ask around Under the Fat Goose Inn about the slain merchant
  • Phase13

  • Search for the missing merchants
  • Phase18

  • Show Torben the {ITEM:QST_ITM_Scos_ClawsattheThroat_WornInsignia}
  • Phase0

  • I found a dead merchant along the road. His throat was clashed out, but none of his wares were stolen or rummaged through. Perhaps someone knows about the merchant at the Under the Fat Goose Inn.
  • Phase19

  • I found another dead merchant along the roads. This time, I was attacked by bandits when I investigated the corpse. Something was off about them, leaving a ritually displayed merchant to draw passersby. The merchant had a worn insignia clutched in their hand—clearly not their own. I should take it to Torben and see what he can make of the item.
  • Phase11

  • Torben is not familiar with man or beast who would leave a body so bizarrely displayed as the merchant I found. A local claimed it was “The Bear of Blackweald,” a fabled killer from the Days of Ash. Other merchants have been late to arrive at the Goose, as well. Torben wants me to search the eastern roads for any sign of their absence.
  • Phase31

  • Torben is not familiar with man or beast who would leave a body so bizarrely displayed as the merchant I found. A local claimed it was “The Bear of Blackweald,” a fabled killer from the Days of Ash. Other merchants have been late to arrive at the Goose, as well. Torben wants me to search the eastern roads for any sign of their absence.
  • Phase33

  • Inspect the Slain Merchant
  • Complete the Claws at the Throat questline in Scosglen.
  • Claws at the Throat
  • A Pyre of Ash
  • Chasing Embers
  • The Bear of Blackweald