Consumed by Pride Quest /5


  • Crane Tribe is losing ground in their homeland from constant cannibal attacks. Ealda, the tribe’s Chieftain, has asked that I look for some of their missing kin who disappeared in the Field of Broken Spears. They are seasoned warriors, and she does not believe they would fall to the cannibals so easily.
  • Phase5

  • Search for the missing Crane Tribe barbarians
  • Phase6

  • I found the mutilated remains of a Crane Tribe warrior and an extinguished campfire. I should check their body to see if I can figure out what happened here.
  • Phase8

  • Investigate the Mutilated Barbarian
  • Phase16

  • I was attacked by bloodthirsty Crane Tribe warriors when I investigated their abandoned camp. It looks like they turned to cannibalism, consuming their kin. I should return to Ealda tell her of her warriors’ grim fates.
  • Phase23

  • Return to Ealda with news of the barbarians' fate