Crumbling Leaflet


A Kehjistani message detailing plans for a revolution
A Kehjistani message detailing plans for a revolution
Information /3
name desc
Drop Min Level0
Vendor Min Level0
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
Lore /1
name desc
Crumbling Leaflet
  • Crumbling Leaflet: People of Kehjistan! Faithful Children of Akarat! For too long, the Vile Priestess Hadar and her devils have burned our crops! Razed our homes! Crucified our loved ones!
  • (Male) Righteous anger. Telling the people to rise up.
  • Crumbling Leaflet: They serve not Akarat, but the Lord of Hatred himself! NO MORE! On the first dawn of the New Moon, join us at the Stronghold gates! We will banish this evil together, and live in the Light once again!
  • (Male) Righteous anger. Telling the people to rise up.
{ "Name": "Crumbling Leaflet", "Description": "A Kehjistani message detailing plans for a revolution", "Flavor": "A Kehjistani message detailing plans for a revolution" }
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