Discarded Journal


Information /3
name desc
Drop Min Level0
Vendor Min Level0
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
Lore /1
name desc
Discarded Journal
  • (Male) Discarded Journal
  • Discarded Journal: They did not believe me. Or perhaps, could not believe me. The sores that began on the Great Tree spread to Finalaya’s hands this morning, and tonight they march relentlessly into her ears and nostrils.
  • Discarded Journal: She has tended the tree for three generations, and though I tend the health of this clan, she would not be dissuaded, would not be convinced that the Great Tree could bring her harm. Finalaya will not speak at the gathering tonight. I only wish they would heed me… and hold no gathering at all.
{ "Name": "Discarded Journal" }
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