Phase17DescriptionDeep in the crypts below the Zakarum Keep, Donan prepares to attune the soulstone to Mephisto's essence.Phase17OutsideSubzoneHeaderSearch the Foul UndercryptsPhase16
Callback16HeaderSearch the Foul UndercryptsPhase31
Phase31DescriptionDeep in the crypts below the Zakarum Keep, Donan prepares to attune the soulstone to Mephisto's essence.Phase31OutsideSubzoneHeaderSlay the Ancient Paladin and his guards in the Foul UndercryptsPhase30
Callback30HeaderSlay the Ancient Paladin and his guardsPhase38
Phase38DescriptionDonan's ritual failed, and almost killed us both as a result. Hopefully he has an idea of what to do next.Phase38OutsideSubzoneHeaderSpeak with Donan in the Foul UndercryptsPhase37
Callback37HeaderSpeak with DonanPhase52
Phase52DescriptionDeep in the crypts below the Zakarum Keep, Donan prepares to attune the soulstone to Mephisto's essence.Phase52OutsideSubzoneHeaderAccompany Donan to the Black Tomb of SankekurPhase93
Callback93HeaderAccompany Donan to the Black Tomb of SankekurPhase67
Phase67DescriptionDeep in the crypts below the Zakarum Keep, Donan prepares to attune the soulstone to Mephisto's essence.Phase67OutsideSubzoneHeaderBreak down the Warded Door in the Foul UndercryptsPhase69
Callback69HeaderBreak down the Warded DoorPhase88
Phase88DescriptionDeep in the crypts below the Zakarum Keep, Donan prepares to attune the soulstone to Mephisto's essence.Phase88OutsideSubzoneHeaderSpeak with Donan in the Foul UndercryptsPhase87
Callback87HeaderSpeak with DonanPhase106
Phase106DescriptionDeep in the crypts below the Zakarum Keep, Donan prepares to attune the soulstone to Mephisto's essence.Phase106OutsideSubzoneHeaderEnter the Foul UndercryptsPhase108
Callback108HeaderEnter the Foul UndercryptsPhase115
Phase115DescriptionDeep in the crypts below the Zakarum Keep, Donan prepares to attune the soulstone to Mephisto's essence.Phase115OutsideSubzoneHeaderProtect Donan in the Foul UndercryptsPhase117
Callback117HeaderProtect DonanPhase127
Phase127DescriptionDeep in the crypts below the Zakarum Keep, Donan prepares to attune the soulstone to Mephisto's essence.Phase127OutsideSubzoneHeaderProtect Donan in the Foul UndercryptsPhase133
Callback133HeaderDestroy the Manifestation of Hate