Formal Request


A guard petitions her captain to join the fight to save their capital city.
Information /3
name desc
Drop Min Level0
Vendor Min Level0
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
Lore /1
name desc
Formal Request
  • (Male) Formal Request
  • Formal Request: Captain Batai. It has been four days since Guulrahn called the Onyx Watch to their aid, yet still, we hold our posts. We, the undersigned officers, request your leave to march on the capital at once.
  • (Male) Concerned. Respectful. Firm.
  • Formal Request: Let no one say that the Onyx Watch lacked the courage to fight for the Steppes.
  • (Male) Concerned. Respectful. Firm.
{ "Name": "Formal Request", "Flavor": "A guard petitions her captain to join the fight to save their capital city." }
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