Fury Cost: 0
Generate Fury: 7
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Unleash a rapid flurry of blows, dealing 0*100% damage with each pair of hits.

If Frenzy hits an enemy, its Attack Speed is increased by +20% for 3 seconds, up to [0.2 * 3 + AffixIsEquipped(SNO.Affix.Amulet_Unique_Barb_100) ? Round(Affix.Amulet_Unique_Barb_100."Static Value 0") : 0 * 100|%+|].
Rank Up:
Damage 0*100%

  • Enhanced Frenzy: While Frenzy is granting +60% bonus Attack Speed, the Fury costs of your Core Skills are reduced by 25}%.
  • Battle Frenzy: While Berserking, your other skills gain +6}% Attack Speed for each stack of Frenzy you have.
  • Combat Frenzy: You gain 5% Damage Reduction and 5% Movement Speed per stack of Frenzy you currently have.
Affix /2
Unique Amulet
800 Item Power

  • +30% Resistance to All Elements

  • +X% Critical Strike Chance
  • [8 – 12.5]% Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
  • +[14 – 16] to Duelist
  • +[7.5 – 8.5] to Frenzy
  • Increase Frenzy's maximum stacks by 2. While at maximum stacks, you deal [FloatRangeWithIntervalUniqueAffixPityBonus(SharedRandomFloat(),20, 15, 30)|%x|] increased damage and your other Skills gain [FloatRangeWithIntervalUniqueAffixPityBonus(SharedRandomFloat(),20, 35, 55)|%+|] increased Attack Speed.(Barbarian Only)
  • "The change that overtook my brother in battle was terrifying. His eyes turned hard like diamonds, and the way he moved... it was like he was dancing to music only he could hear."
    - Captain Dervin
    Unique Sword
    800 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,337 – 2,005] Damage per Hit
    • 1.10 Attacks per Second (Fast)
  • +50% Damage

  • +[51 – 65] All Stats
  • +[6.5 – 7.5] to Basic Skills
  • +[16 – 25]% Basic Attack Speed
  • +[[8 – 16]] Maximum Resource
  • Basic Skills deal x[50 – 200]% increased damage but additionally cost 25 Primary Resource.(Sorcerer Only)
  • This blade once bore divine purpose wielded by the angel Verathiel. Like its keeper, the sword fell to Infernal depths. Yet beneath this corruption, is a heartbeat of a past memory, holding steadfast.
    Info /39